As a speech coach, I introduce my clients to the importance of using parallel structure in speaking and writing. Parallel structure, also known as parallelism, is the repetition of a grammatical structure within a sentence or multiple sentences. This technique can make your speech or writing more memorable and easier to understand. When you write […]


As a speech coach, one of the most common questions I am asked is, “What do I do with my hands when I speak in public?” It’s a question that is natural to ask. This is what I tell my clients and audiences. It’s important to remember that your hand gestures are best when in […]


Techniques Behind Memorable Stories Many presenters make the mistake of thinking that a story must be dramatic and life-changing to be memorable. In reality, we can garner meaning from simple, everyday-life stories, and that makes them relatable. Then-Now-How Formula This is where I was; this is where I am now; this is how I got […]


All I’ve ever wanted in business is an unfair advantage. Before you raise your eyebrows, let me define the term. An unfair advantage is not lying, cheating, or stealing. It’s exactly the opposite. You get an unfair advantage by doing everything just a little bit better than your competition. Even if you’ve been in business […]


Let’s look at some not-so-basic story basics. Stories and examples are best when they come from your experience. Your audience has a chance to relive them from their perspective. Here is an important point to make your stories credible. Point one, make your story part of your own experience. If you tell a story that […]


“I wanted a super bowl quality coach. Patricia Fripp’s help in coaching and scripting was world-class. With Fripp, Darren and Mark on your team, you can go places.” Don Yaeger, Long-Time Associate Editor for Sports Illustrated magazine, Thirteen-Time New York Times Best-Selling Author “Deliver Unforgettable Presentations is not another how-to map from another “supposed expert” […]