3 Great Techniques for You to Captivate Your Audience When your message is memorable, your communication clear, and your presentation powerful, you will position yourself for greater success. If you are a leader, manager, executive, sales professional, or keynote speaker, you are more effective when you tell great stories and use good examples. These three […]


It is your obligation and responsibility not to let them forget you. We all know it is easier to resell your satisfied customers than find new ones. However, you are failing your customers if they don’t know how you can serve them in different ways than they first engaged with you. Never assume that customers, […]


By July 2018, Robert Fripp will have been getting out of vans and tour buses as a working musician for 57 years and a professional musician for 48 years. Would you like to know how he went from a tone-deaf 12-year-old with no sense of rhythm to an internationally acclaimed musician? In his own words? […]


Imagine that you’re waiting offstage, about to deliver an important presentation. Are you a little bit nervous? Are you warming up? Or, have you found a comfortable chair in a corner where you can surreptitiously check your messages? (Hint: This would be a mistake!) In this brief video sample from Fripp Virtual Training, I explain what […]


I’ve been paid to speak, train, and consult for over 35 years. I will let you in on the dirty little secret of the training industry… When you have a great speaker delivering content the audience is genuinely interested in, even in the most ideal situation, two weeks later the audience will have forgotten 70% […]


When you start to put together a presentation, what do you think about? You probably wonder how to make your presentation interesting to your audience. I recommend that you begin by knowing your audience and understanding not only what they need, but also what they want. They need to have “buy-in” for your topic. This […]


With current technology, you might not be surprised at how often I’m asked, “How do you use video in your business?” As often and in as many ways as possible! We have a green screen, professional lighting, and great recording equipment, and my assistant has become highly proficient at adding backgrounds, images, and branding. This […]


Is Your Speech as Good as a Movie? Do you vary your scenes? The biggest enemy of a speaker, no matter how exceptional, is sameness or lack of variety. Each time you move from story to story or example to example, you create a scene change and keep your audience interested. Early in every movie, […]


What’s your message? Legendary Hollywood producer Sam Goldwyn was quoted as saying, “If I want to send a message, I’ll send a telegram.” Yet, great films and good speeches do have a message. Some recent movies consist mainly of CGI explosions and chase scenes. They’re exciting, but at the end, the audience is usually left […]