Are you losing sales you feel you deserve to win? Once your presentation is prepared, there’s still work to do before you deliver it to your prospects. Here are two ways to increase sales: 1.) Learn how to build your credibility. 2.)  Focus your sales presentation on what the prospect is interested in. VS. This […]


Even if you’ve delivered a compelling sales presentation, it often takes weeks or months before you get an answer. Consequently, your goal is to burn vivid examples and key ideas into your prospect’s mind, especially if it is a competitive bid. Yet, what is the average sales presentation structure?


People are trained to resist a sales pitch, but no one can resist a good story. Sales strategist, Shari Levitin shares these five secrets to help you tell effective sales stories. The 5 Secrets of An Effective Sales Story by Shari Levitin Since the advent of social media, how we promote our products and services […]


Sales conversations are most effective when they are focused on your client’s concerns – not the product or service you provide. I share this from sales strategist Shari Levitin, who explains how to uncover your customer’s specific core emotional motivators and ultimately improve your sales. We joined forces. Watch our interview in this article.  The […]


Are you confident your sales presentations are consistently more compelling than the competitions? I recommend that you record yourself, then listen carefully to find and correct any sloppy or clichéd language. These kinds of sales presentation mistakes undermine your message. Sales strategist, Shari Levitin explains how to keep your sales language current, compelling, and connecting […]


How do you find content for your speech or presentation? A treasure trove of content is waiting to be discovered in your everyday personal or professional life.  Your own experiences, even if they seem “ordinary” to you, can be a great source of relatable, entertaining and authentic content. Consider how you might incorporate stories you’re […]


Frippicism: “Challenge everything you do. Expand your thinking. Refocus your efforts. Rededicate yourself to your future.” Enjoy this article from sales trainer, Troy Harrison. The Times They Are A Changin’ – Are Your Methods? Troy Harrison


Sales professionals who stay at the top of their game, frequently review their approaches and methods to selling. The Sales Navigator, Troy Harrison explains five significant changes in sales and how to adapt and thrive in a changing sales environment. Five Biggest Changes In Selling by Troy Harrison


Are you confident when you deliver a presentation to senior management? If yes, great! But if you’re like many others who are intimidated by the very thought of being “in the hot seat,” you may need to work on your public speaking skills. It’s no secret that the higher you go up the corporate ladder, […]


Admittedly, I’m a fan of social media. I post, update, and Tweet daily, as I help people and organizations improve their speaking and sales presentation skills. Unfortunately, many salespeople rely too heavily on social media, hoping it’s a magic path to new business development. I share this article from sales expert, Troy Harrison, who injects […]