If you follow my blog you probably have heard me mention before that I have spoken at the Ragan Speechwriters Conference in past years. Ragan Communications publications are a wonderful source of information on communication – both in writing and speaking. The first time I spoke at their conference the opening speakers were Bill Clinton’s speechwriters. As […]


Frequently I am asked if executives should dumb down their communications. No, not necessarily. The Patricia Fripp suggestion is to speak conversationally. If you would use that word or phrase at the dinner table, or in your boardroom include it in your speech or conversation. However, you must also consider whether you sound original and […]


When you speak to business and professional speakers and Toastmasters, as I do, about public speaking and advanced presentation techniques, it is assumed that you will be quoted. In fact, I encourage the best way to learn a public speaking technique or idea is to teach someone else what you think you just learned. However, there is a […]


Want to Improve Your Presentation Skills? Learn from Hollywood Actor and Speaker Bob Roitblat presents Hollywood techniques for better professional speaking. Last week I was speaking for the National Speakers Association Illinois. What a great group and one of my news friends is Bob Roitblat. If you are a regular reader you know I love learning from Hollywood […]


Who knew? Wow, I was looking at my retweets and saw at least in Evan Carmichael’s opinion I am one of the top 100 Top Leadership Experts to Follow on Twitter. Even though I have slipped a couple of places from last  year I feel pretty good. Thanks Evan. http://www.evancarmichael.com/Business-Coach/4492/April-2013-Top-100-Leadership-Experts-to-Follow-on-Twitter.html Patricia Fripp is an executive speech […]


Then here is some advice from Patricia Fripp, THE Executive Speech Coach Never waste your audience’s time with trivialities. I heard a speaker addressing a San Francisco audience. He started with how nice it was to be there, how great the weather was, and how he loves our restaurants. Who cares? I didn’t race across […]


Want to be an Effective Writer and Speaker? Patricia Fripp is a Hall of Fame keynote speaker, executive speech coach, sales presentation skills trainer and partern in World Champions Edge coaching community. Tried-and-true words and phrases are convenient, but they are also truly trying—as with clichés, when a writer or speaker relies too heavily on […]