“Hello” can lead to a conversation. A conversation can lead to a relationship. A relationship can lead to profitable business. My friend and colleague, Susan RoAne is an expert in turning small talk into big business.  Her book, How to Work a Room, is a bestseller. In a recent television interview, Susan explained that success […]


There is a reason why the spoken word is the best way to to explain the complex, motivate, and train – it’s human nature!  My friend and colleague, presentation and persuasion expert, Sims Wyeth shares this insight into why excellent public speakers are so naturally persuasive. Why Do We Present? by Sims Wyeth Why don’t […]


It is mind-boggling how many highly-intelligent, well-educated, and ambitious executives spend years finding creative ways to get OUT of public speaking of any kind. Some even panic when these opportunities arise. My friend and colleague, Sims Wyeth very wisely reminds us not to waste these opportunities. Public Speaking Is The Glue by Sims Wyeth Public speaking […]


It is my mission to clean up sloppy language. I share this from my friend Craig Harrison. Stop Slingin’ Slang! By Craig Harrison Despite attention to memorable press kits, meticulous grooming, and marvelous websites – speakers, trainers, and consultants often undermine their hireability through sloppy language and inappropriate word choices. Similarly, employees hurt their chances […]


As you strive for excellence in all areas of your business communications, remember that good speakers can benefit from learning the secrets of good writers. Developing a successful presentation begins with thoughtful structure and word choices. If you want to improve your public speaking, why not gain the advantage of improved writing skills? Make it a daily […]


Is your audience hearing what you are attempting to communicate? If not, perhaps this is because your delivery is distracting from your message. After all, it is not only what you say – it is how you say it. As a speech coach I am frequently asked, “I have my presentation together. Can you just […]


Whether you own a business, report to a boss, or are searching for a job, it is important to sound intelligent in all your business communications. Never underestimate the power of your words. I share this article from Ragan Communications by Shanna Mallon describing seven errors you should avoid in your writing; many of these […]


I advise speakers to, “Edit out the words that have no meaning.” Thought you would be interested in this article from Ragan Communications by Rob Reinalda. Rob and I obviously agree that “specificity builds credibility.” Thanks Rob for your good work! Your pain is adding to my education… Patricia Fripp Writers, Purge These Redundancies! Today’s […]