People ask me, “What’s the difference between a good Toastmaster and a professional speaker?”
There are many degrees of speaking excellence. I first joined Toastmasters in 1975. (Toastmasters International is a non-profit educational organization teaching public speaking and leadership skills through a worldwide network.) Next, I attended Dale Carnegie courses for public speaking, sales, and management. These experiences were just the start on my journey to becoming a proficient public speaker. My speaking skills evolved as I began speaking to service clubs to promote my business and joined the National Speakers Association. Eventually, I became a full-time professional speaker, in-demand executive speech coach, and creator of FrippVT – and the rest is history! So, what is the difference between a good Toastmaster and a professional speaker?”

Always remember in the “professional” world you get paid for what you know. You get paid well when you deliver your message superbly. There is no substitute for years of experience. Great professional speakers and trainers they make standing on stage speaking look easy.
As my colleague Darren LaCroix says, “Stage time, stage time, stage time.” I would add, “stage time” and reflection with good feedback from someone who knows more than you do. For me, one of the biggest leaps forward was when I realized, “I’m receiving my full keynote fee and have just six people in my audience.” These were sales professionals from a client company who really wanted to learn what I knew. Professional speakers are “Experts Who Speak” as the National Speakers Association will tell you. It does not matter the size of the audience; it is the quality of the information…well told…and making it look easy.
If you want to become a great speaker easily, conveniently, and quickly, FrippVT can help. Take a complimentary test drive of this interactive, web-based platform and enjoy three free chapters on Stories, Openings, and Sales:
“I am an experienced speaker and successful consultant and highly recommend FrippVT to everyone who speaks in public or has to. It just doesn’t make sense for any professional to be without 24/7 access to the wisdom and experience of the master of professional that Patricia Fripp is. FrippVT is a must-have resource for all professionals.”
– Pat Lynch, President, Business Alignment Strategies
My article, “So You Want to Do This for a Living?,” is just one of the many complimentary resources on to help anyone who aims to speak professionally.
Executive Speech Coach and Hall of Fame Keynote Speaker Patricia Fripp works with individuals and companies who realize that powerful, persuasive presentation skills give them a competitive edge.
Hi, Patricia! Thank you for posting this. I am looking to improve my communication in various settings including public speaking, coaching, and everyday relationships. I am looking at the Dale Carnegie course and wanted to get your opinion on if that is a good investment or would you recommend another training provider?
Dear Greg,
What you need first is FrippVT This is the best speaking and presenting information that it has taken me 35 years to learn. You will find it presented in digestible chunks and highly interactive.
Why not take a FREE trial of 3 chapters from our 12 courses? This is the best, quickest, and most cost effective way to improve your skills. Dale Carnegie is great. I took the course when I was 30. However, I promise, even if you took it after, the caliber of speaking information in FrippVT can’t be compared. If you need a conversation after you have taken the trial we can arrange it. Thanks for your interest. Have you also checked my free webinars listed on Events on my site?
Your new best friend,
Patricia Fripp