Patricia Fripp is a true American success story–except that she is British, born in a small English town. “Probably the best thing that happened to me,” says Fripp, “was growing up with an absolutely brilliant younger brother. I assumed I wasn’t as smart as others, which made me work twice as hard. That’s where my […]


by Joanna Slan, Reprinted From Professional Speaker Magazine When you think of NSA legends, you think of Patricia Fripp. For Fripp’s story is the sort of stuff legends are made of, the story of an twenty-year-old who took a boat to New York and a Trailways bus to California seeking fame and fortune. It is the […]


“Why don’t I get booked more often?” “How can I get booked more often?” Both are burning questions in today’s difficult economy. I talked to Mark French, President of Leading Authorities, Inc. about his solutions. Mark French was pragmatic. “In difficult economic times, there is always an excess supply of speakers. At the same time, […]


In Hollywood, it takes hundreds of talented people in front of and behind the camera, all working together to create a great movie. What works in Tinsel Town can also bring big benefits for speakers. I often brainstormed with David Garfinkel, copy-writing genius and budding screenwriter, and late, great John Cantu, the San Francisco comedy legend. John could find […]


When you’re a professional speaker your video is your most important selling tool. It’s hard to imagine any speaker who wouldn’t be even more successful with a “best-selling” video. I talked to Mark French, President of Leading Authorities, Inc., for his inside insights into what makes a great video. Here’s what he told me. What […]


As a keynote speaker, sometimes people ask me, “Do you ever bomb?” Yes, once in a while. But even the worst experience, with a little time lapse, can become funny, and always a learning experience. Once I spoke for a group of men who worked in a gravel quarry. I told the organizers, “No, I […]


An Article for Professional Speakers and Consultants on the Origins of The Odd Couple® Seminar and the Value of Collaboration Would you go into partnership on the spur of the moment with someone you barely knew? I did. And it was one of the best business decisions I ever made. Of course, we’d met and […]


I spend a fortune on four-color, glossy brochures. When people receive my materials, I want them to know I am a seasoned professional and charge accordingly. If you also deliver a quality product or service, your marketing materials should reflect this. Your image, reflected by your advertising, should do two things: Convince people you’re worth […]