Speakers: To persuade, get concrete. To inspire, be abstract. Reposted by Patricia Fripp and the content is from Denise Graveline. Should you try to inspire your audience–or persuade them? Are you speaking about why your audience should do something–or how to pull it off? New research suggests that decision depends on the timing of your […]


Creative Ways Your Clients Afford You as a Professional Speaker Or How the American Payroll Association Made 1 + 1 + 1 = 9 By Patricia Fripp, CSP, CPAE In a perfect world, our clients would have an unlimited budget to hire keynote speakers for every meeting and convention. Since it’s not, here are some […]


My great speech coach Ron Arden who had enjoyed a successful acting and directly career always told his students “Public speakers need variety in their presentation just as we do in the theatre. The enemy of the speaker is sameness.” My World Champions Edge buddy Ed Tate sent this review to me from a TV […]


If you are a leader, manager, executive, professional speaker, Toastmaster, or ambitious professional, most likely you will have the opportunity to moderate a panel. If you believe there is nothing duller than a bad speech, may I suggest a dull panel is even worst? As with any great presentation, when opening a panel discussion, the […]


A frequently asked question on public speaking is “How Do I Organize My Speech?”

Here is a basic outline that work well for the beginning speaker.

1. THE PAST-PRESENT-JOURNEY FORMAT: This simple outline can help you tell the audience who you are and why you are qualified to speak on the topic you’ve chosen.


Speaking before a group about your business is definitely the lowest cost and best way to market your product or service and expand your customer base. From first hand experience I learned this important marketing lesson. I started talking about my hair styling business at local service organizations, such as Rotary, Kiwanis, Optimists. At the time I didn’t have much public speaking experience beyond Dale Carnegie courses and Toastmasters. Little did I know it would lead to a rewarding career as an executive speech coach and keynote speaker. Here are some key points I learned that helped me build my business.


Be creative. Think Hollywood! Tell stories and give examples as you go through your program, the same way you would in person. However, your Webinar needs more visuals to help engage the audience. Use more slides than with an in-person presentation. Add bullet points one at a time as you “build.” Don’t present a list of all your points before you discuss them. Keep it simple, keep it moving, and interact often.


Most speakers if they know their subject are not bad once they get going. However very few know how to get off to a really good start.  My recommendation is that you script your opening. However, do not write in paragraphs. Write it as phrases down the page not across. As my early mentor Bill […]


If you have heard me speak, you have most likely heard me talk about my genius copywriting friend David Garfinkel. It does not matter if you are selling yourself on paper, on your website or even when you open your mouth to speak, good copywriting is a skill that is important to learn…or hire! After […]


Written by Dr. Peter Legge, LL.D. (Hon), CSP, CPAE, HoF Author & Professional Speaker Building your business without working more is a bit of an oxymoron. After all, the very process of building a business requires long hours and hard work. However, the process should not be to the detriment to your family, health or […]