“Why are executive presentations so boring?” Unfortunately, I hear this question often. Corporate leaders rarely receive the honest feedback they need to become powerful and persuasive communicators. Public speaking is the number one tool of leadership. Good presentation skills are no longer a nice skill to have; they can mean the difference between career life […]


Every successful speech begins with an underlying structure. As a professional, you know that when it comes to advancing in your career and boosting your income, good presentation skills can make the difference between stagnation and success. Understand the payoff When your message is memorable, your communication clear, and your presentation powerful, you will position […]


My friend and fellow speaker Andrew Sobel is a leading authority on developing and sustaining long-term client relationships. He has authored over eight acclaimed and bestselling books on the subject. Early in Andrew’s career, I was his speech coach. Now as a speaker, Andrew’s message is especially relevant to companies that need to standout in increasingly crowded markets. I always remind people, “Sales conversations are most effective […]


My friend Joanne Black, a leading authority on referral selling, says, “Just because clients are willing to refer you doesn’t mean they will.” Join us, Wednesday, September 9, 2015, 12:00 noon PST, for a complimentary interactive virtual training to show you how to “Pack Your Pipeline with Hot Prospects.” Register and receive a replay link, even […]


The first 30 seconds of your presentation is the optimum time for you to capture your audience’s attention. Don’t waste it! Give your opening words some extra consideration. Always start your presentation with impact. When you engage your audience immediately, you help to ensure the overall success of your presentation. Here are a few of […]


Top salespeople, corporate visionaries, and celebrity-level professional speakers may have significantly different business backgrounds, skill sets, and philosophies – but for the most part, they all share the ability to tell a good story. Public speaking is the number one tool of leadership. If you know you need to improve your public speaking skills, mastering […]


Preparation is the key to successfully delivering your presentations Whether you are delivering a business or sales presentation, it’s a mistake to think you can just “wing it.” If you have years of experience in your industry or profession, this still holds true. Even professional speakers must prepare for and rehearse before each presentation. My […]