The world of business has changed and continues to change dramatically and rapidly. Markets have grown from local to national to global. Technology no longer offers a competitive advantage, and customers have become much savvier. All of these changes and more have created an environment in which salespeople must adopt new attitudes, learn new skills, […]


My friend and fellow speaker Andrew Sobel is a leading authority on developing and sustaining long-term client relationships. He has authored over eight acclaimed and bestselling books on the subject. Early in Andrew’s career, I was his speech coach. Now as a speaker, Andrew’s message is especially relevant to companies that need to standout in increasingly crowded markets. I always remind people, “Sales conversations are most effective […]


I’m looking forward to speaking at the Assessments24x7 2nd Annual Users Conference in San Diego this week! Assessments24x7 provides corporate employers, industry coaches and consultants the analytical tools to benchmark their hiring processes, boost employee productivity, and maximize performance. Understanding another person’s behavioral style is key to understanding their communication style. Dr. Tony Alessandra, an expert […]


I thought you might be interested in hearing about my upcoming, brilliant mystery guest. We all love mysteries, and we all love stories. Stories are often about a hero who has overcome an unbelievable obstacle, like Bob. Bob was involved in the real estate investing business and was having a pretty tough time.