I was a hairstylist for 24 years and as I said on 60 Minutes – and if you’re on 60 Minutes you’ll tell everybody – “I used to work on the outside of peoples’ heads, now I work on the inside, so there’s only half an inch difference.”


As a public speaker and executive speech coach I find there are many parallels between musical performance and public speaking. My question when attendees at my speaking schools tell me, “I am nervous when it comes to public speaking!” is, “Are you nervous because you are inexperienced and do not have a coach, mentor, or class […]


The speech was called “Everything Begins with a Love Story.” I told the audience of how our parents met and fell in love and about our joy of hearing this story when we were young, and now as adults. The brilliant Robert Fripp said “Sister, do you know why you are so moved by this? It is because by reliving the story while told the event itself continues to live in the experience of the storyteller and the audience. We grew up in our parent’s history and it became part of the living present.”


Since my 20s I have been a loyal member of Kaiser Permanente and always happy with the attention of the doctors. As I was admitted I told the young lady “No, this was not a work related accident, it is a being an idiot related accident.”

Lucky for me I was the third person waiting. Within ten minutes of walking in the front door a doctor who was handsome enough to be McDreamy on Grey’s Anatomy and should be used in sales campaigns for Kaiser introduced himself and asked “I don’t suppose you are related to Robert Fripp?”


Brother learned this when he was in retreat with JG Bennet: All life is one and everything that lives is holy. Plants, animals and people all must eat to live and nourish one another. We bless the life that has died to give us food. Let us eat consciously, resolving by our labors to pay […]


“AMG EXPERT REVIEW: Innovation and Robert Fripp once again go hand in hand. Considered to be one of rock’s more enigmatic figures, Fripp has authorized this series of cassette tapes containing over eight hours of live and spontaneous questions and answers featuring Fripp interacting with 11 different audiences who initially had come only to hear […]


When the National Speakers Association held a Performance Lab in Las Vegas Dan Thurman gathered an amazing group of individuals to speak. They came from NSA, Cirque, the Movie Industry, and Show Business. Rich Little gave a great speech on “Fame People I Have Known and Been.” My brother Robert Fripp spoke about “The Assumption of Innocence Within a Context of Experience.” Here is the 4th clip from that speech…


(about Robert Fripp) From the San Francisco Chronicle—Friday, December 3, 1999 by Jon Carroll THERE WAS A time in my life, a very rich and lovely time, when I almost lived in New York City, staying down on Gansevoort Street long before it became chic and walking to work at the Village Voice every day. […]