In a conversation with Kim Snider, brilliant financial adviser from Dallas, she mentioned,” On February 18, 2009, the WSJ asked eminent economists, including some Nobel Prize Winners, “How do you think Americans should spend their $8 a week of stimulus money to have the biggest impact?” Robert Shiller, of Yale, summed up many of their […]


Open Hot, Close Hotter     As an executive speech coach and public speaking trainer for executives and professional motivational speakers, here is some of the advice I give. To grab audience attention and be remembered and repeated, start the presentation with a bang, not a limp, “Thanks, it’s nice to be here.” The first […]


As an executive speech coach who teaches public speakers of all levels there are many elements beyond your words and delivery that add to your credibility. In my public speaking training to men I say "Take your hands out of your pockets." To women "You can spray it, gel it, cut it, pin it, just […]


Jacqueline Male, Commercial Director, Top Sales Associates wrote Patricia Fripp’s “What Hollywood Taught Me” details now appear on Top 10 Sales Articles including links back to both your site, and the publishing site. You will also notice that we have a public poll, which allows our readers to select their favorit nomination – votes account for […]


Joel Panzer invited me to be the first woman member of GGBC and introduced me for my speech on April 1. My friend and associate Carol Fleming has a business in San Francisco called The Sound of Your Voice. She is working on what will one day be a valuable book for leadership presentations. You […]


Are You Guilty?The Unconscious Goof that Can Hurt Your Credibility This week I have enjoyed presenting and coaching at the National Speakers Association members in Salt Lake City and now Richmond, Virginia. As is my usual habit I add a day or two for site seeing. If you have ever heard me give a speech […]


Effective public speaking advice for up and coming professional speakers. 10 days ago I delivered a Teleseminar for SpeakerMatch.  SpeakerMatch is a service that sends leads of groups looking for speakers to speakers. My subject "How to Up Your Value in a Down Market." As we had over 600 listeners Q and A was tough. […]


I wish you could have been with us in Vegas. This is the second Lady & the Champs and I am sooooooooooo impressed with the Champs and the commitment of the audience members to improve.   This morning I delivered a new presentation on the value of; asking questions, interviewing friends and clients, and having […]


Speechwriters Conference Closing Keynote – Ted Sorensen Theodore C. Sorensen, special counsel, adviser and legendary speechwriter to President John F. Kennedy In Ted Sorensen’s keynote he shared tips on speechwriting. He claims it is all a matter of writing ‘a few lines’: 1. Outline — used plan the speech. 2. Headline — what’s the news […]