3 Great Techniques for You to Captivate Your Audience When your message is memorable, your communication clear, and your presentation powerful, you will position yourself for greater success. If you are a leader, manager, executive, sales professional, or keynote speaker, you are more effective when you tell great stories and use good examples. These three […]


When you’re an engineer presenting at a user meeting or customer conference, you are the expert on the topic you plan to deliver to your customers. Remember, your audience does not want to know everything you know; they just need to know about the subject of your presentation. You can connect with your audience, regardless […]


With current technology, you might not be surprised at how often I’m asked, “How do you use video in your business?” As often and in as many ways as possible! We have a green screen, professional lighting, and great recording equipment, and my assistant has become highly proficient at adding backgrounds, images, and branding. This […]


A few inside secrets to make all your presentations unforgettable. Professionals must often deliver formal, prepared presentations. However, they must also give frequent, unplanned presentations. Imagine this scenario: You are in a virtual or in-person meeting when the executive leading the meeting notices you in the audience.  She says, “I didn’t know you were going […]


Tom Redmond is the author of Selling From the Inside Out and a go-to expert on the generation of and management of sales. We recently teamed up to bring you, Selling From the Inside Out: Advanced Sales Overview, part of the FrippVT Sales Series. Watch a replay of our web event and enjoy this great […]


Lois Creamer knows the professional speaking business. Lois works with professional speakers to help them book more business, make more money, and avoid costly mistakes. As a speech coach and through FrippVT, I help professional speakers become consistently excellent in both content and delivery. We recently teamed up for Increase the Speed With Which You […]


By the year 2020, 70 percent of the workforce will be millennials. Bestselling author Michael Nick and I recently enjoyed a wonderful conversation with hundreds of our friends! Michael’s books include ROI Selling, Why Johnny Can’t Sell, and The Key to the C-Suite. His latest book, Adapt or Fail, focuses on how Millennials are changing […]


In a recent web event for my FrippVT Sales Series, I spoke with marketing and branding expert Melanie DePaoli on How to Build a LinkedIn Strategy for Success. Enjoy this video of our recent conversation and Melanie’s article explaining why LinkedIn Endorsements do actually matter to you: Yes! LinkedIn Endorsements Matter! by Mel DePaoli


Like most people, you’ve probably been on LinkedIn for a while, you have a profile and connections – but are you using LinkedIn to your best advantage?  I share this article from marketing and branding expert, Melanie DePaoli who explains how to raise your visibility through LinkedIn’s Pulse, plus a replay of my recent web […]


November is National Nonfiction Writing Month. After you’ve written a nonfiction book, you face the challenge of marketing it. My recommendation? Speak to sell your book. Speaking is one of the best and most cost-effective ways to market your book, develop a following, and expand your audience. Polish your speaking skills and start speaking on […]