This week I will be attending the National Speakers Association’s National Convention in Philadelphia. As a Past President of the National Speakers Association and Hall of Fame Keynote Speaker I am sometimes asked, “What do National Speakers Association awards mean?” These awards and designations give meetings planners confidence. Here is a brief explanation:
The CSP designation is conferred by the National Speakers Association (NSA) and the Global Speakers Federation (GSF) only on accomplished professional speakers who have earned it by meeting strict criteria. CSPs must document a proven track record of continuing speaking experience and expertise as well as a commitment to ongoing education, outstanding client service and ethical behavior.
The Cavett Award is NSA’s most cherished award. It is presented annually to the member whose accomplishments over the years have reflected outstanding credit, respect, honor and admiration in the Association and the speaking profession, and whose actions (in terms of sharing, guiding and inspiring other members) most closely parallel the illustrious career of NSA’s Founder Cavett Robert.

CPAE Speaker Hall of Fame
The Council of Peers Award for Excellence or Speaker Hall of Fame is to honor professional speakers who have reached the top echelon of platform excellence. Admission into the CPAE Speaker Hall of Fame is a lifetime award for speaking excellence and professionalism. Inductees are evaluated by their peers through a rigorous and demanding process. Each candidate must excel in seven categories: material, style, experience, delivery, image, professionalism and communication. The award is not based on celebrity status, number of speeches, amount of income or volunteer involvement in NSA.
To learn more about the National Speakers Association visit: http://www.nsaspeaker.org
My executive speech coaching clients include corporate leaders, celebrity speakers, well-known sports and media personalities, and sales teams. Find out what what professional speakers and best-selling authors say about my coaching and public speaking seminars: https://fripp.com/success-stories/speakers-and-authors/
You can learn many of the public speaking secrets I share with my executive speech coaching clients at my public speaking and presentation skills events that are open to the public visit: https://fripp.com/public-speaking-events/
Named one of North America’s “most electifying speakers” by Meetings & Conventions magazine, Executive Speech Coach and Hall of Fame Keynote Speaker, Patricia Fripp is hired by individuals and companies who realize that powerful, persuasive presentation skills give them a competitive edge.