The Importance of the Pause in Public Speaking and Executive Presentations can not be over estimated. Continuing my comparison with Hollywood..

Alan Alda says, “It is the stuff between the lines that makes it a great performance.”

(I know I hate that word stuff. However, it is an actual quote.)

When you pause the audience has time to digest what you have just said. The faster you speak, the more you have to open up your talk with silence.

Consider where you have a comma, period, paragraph, and exclamation mark, an underline or … Use this as a guide for pauses.


Give a Speech! Frippicism: People do business with people they know. Every service club and community group is looking for a free speaker next Thursday at lunchtime. Okay, it could be Wednesday morning at breakfast or even in Zoom. You get the point! If that is you, do not overlook a magnificent marketing opportunity.


How much time do you invest in improving your sales presentations? Sales presentation skills expert Patricia Fripp has provided a sales sampler from her web-based training. Enjoy! “Back in 2018, we invited you to help us with an important sales presentation, which we won. You will be as excited to know, that it continues […]


There is nothing more exciting for an executive speech coach than to help craft the words of a well-intentioned leader who has an exciting message to deliver and is committed to the collaborative process. Finding Opportunity in Adversity – A Timely Message Delivered by Tabassum Zalotrawala, Chief Development Officer, Chipotle Finding Opportunity in Adversity Growing […]