When I am working with speech coaching clients or delivering presentation skills training, I ask the question, “Are you guilty of this goof that can hurt your credibility?” If you’re asking yourself what difference it could make, I’ll tell you. A huge one! In any professional setting, you are hired because what you say sounds […]


When you fire up your presentations, you can get others to buy into your ideas and get better results. Every ambitious professional, professional speaker, entrepreneur, leader, and sales executive can get promoted, build their business, inspire action, and drive more sales with Patricia Fripp’s presentation strategies. Enjoy presentation skills expert Patricia Fripp’s live web training […]


A sales manager’s shocking secret and four sales secrets to help you sell more… I Did Not Expect to Hear This! Imagine my surprise when the national sales manager said this to 60 of his top associates, “At lunch, the sales team and I decided we have no idea how we managed to sell anything […]


As a presentation skills expert, people frequently ask, “Patricia, what happens when I have to cut my presentation?” For professional speakers, it is not uncommon to be booked for an hour’s time and have your slot cut to 40 minutes to keep the client on schedule. Business meetings often run over and take a lot […]


The key to connection is conversation. The secret of conversation is asking questions. The quality of the answers you receive depends upon the quality of your questions. That is critical in sales. Learning how to ask relevant questions was an important part of my own educational experience. When I was a young woman, I was […]


It is your obligation and responsibility not to let them forget you. We all know reselling your satisfied customers is easier than finding new ones. However, you are failing your customers if they don’t see how you can serve them differently than they first engaged with you. Never assume that customers, clients, and prospects know […]