I teamed up with leading sales strategist, Jim Pancero for an event on advanced sales skills. We discussed how individual selling style and philosophy can dramatically impact a sales professional’s success and how to gain an advantage. In this article, Jim shows us that you cannot assume that an experienced sales professional is a competent […]


It might be easy to resist a sales pitch, but few can resist a good story. We grow up feeling that a story is a reward. In sales, stories are the best way to clarify the complex, create emotional connection, and persuade.  David Hoffeld, author of The Science of Selling, was a guest on my Fripp […]


Science reveals that buyers make decisions based on strategic, incremental commitments. How can sales professionals sell in a way that inspires these commitments? David Hoffeld, author of The Science of Selling, was recently my guest on FrippVT Sales Series. Enjoy this excerpt from David’s book, explaining a mental shortcut the brain makes when forming judgments and […]


Single-Option Aversion by David Hoffeld Does the number of product options presented impact whether or not a purchase will be made? This was the question that behavioral scientist Daniel Mochon sought to answer. His research, which was published in the Journal of Consumer Research, determined that the number of prod­uct options did heavily influence buying […]


How To Increase Your Sales Results Patricia Fripp in Conversation with Tom Redmond In our constant search for the easy way to sell (There is no easy way but we continue to look!), one consistent factor is that the most successful sales organizations are aware of their numbers and make course corrections by them. Organizational […]


Tom Redmond is the author of Selling From the Inside Out and a go-to expert on the generation of and management of sales. We recently teamed up to bring you, Selling From the Inside Out: Advanced Sales Overview, part of the FrippVT Sales Series. Watch a replay of our web event and enjoy this great […]


Statistically, the majority of college grads will end up in sales career. As a business leader or sales manager, do you know how to make the most of the emerging workforce? Bestselling author Michael Nick and I recently joined forces for the FrippVT Web Event, Millennials – Bridging the Generation Gap. I share Michael’s insights […]