When you receive feedback and advice on how to improve your presentation skills you need to ask yourself: Is the person giving this advice truly qualified to help me improve? Does the person giving me feedback have my best interests at heart? Am I seeking advice or are they motivated to give it to me? […]


Public speaking instruction often focuses on eye contact, voice projection, and what to do with your hands while you’re talking. Equally important to mastering these physical techniques is developing and deploying good and original content. As an executive speech coach people ask me, “What do I talk about?” “How do I start my speech?”


What should we do if we find ourselves in an audience listening to someone who has not yet learned how to structure and deliver an engaging presentation? “Every audience has a responsibility,” says my brother, the legendary guitarist Robert Fripp. Bill Gove, the first president of the National Speakers Association taught NSA members, “You are responsible […]


Are you practicing your public speaking to improve…or to reinforce bad habits? We hear people say, “Practice makes perfect.” In reality, practice makes permanent. It is helpful to get an outside perspective on your presentation to reveal any areas in which you might improve your content or delivery. Practice in front of an audience. Ask […]


Use technology to enhance your message, not to eclipse it. Two executives came to me to develop a speech about a new product. They spent some time describing it, but what they said was so complicated that it was challenging for me to even begin to understand what it was that they were selling. I […]


More than any words you say in your keynote speech or sales presentation, your audience will remember what they “see” in their minds through your stories. No matter what our culture, we grow up feeling that hearing a story is somehow a reward – this is just one of the factors that make stories the […]


John Palmer was the founder of the National Speakers Bureau and before that a well-known band leader. Brian Palmer, his son and now the President of the NSB is known as one of the most creative and ethical professionals in our speaking industry. As part of a recent interview with Brian these were his closing […]


What to do when you’re losing your audience… Are there a lot of yawns and sleepy eyes in your audience? Use these tactics to pep up your talk and keep your listeners’ attention. Audience members’ attention will fade over time unless you take specific steps to keep them engaged.


If you follow my blog you probably have heard me mention before that I have spoken at the Ragan Speechwriters Conference in past years. Ragan Communications publications are a wonderful source of information on communication – both in writing and speaking. The first time I spoke at their conference the opening speakers were Bill Clinton’s speechwriters. As […]