Lois Creamer knows the professional speaking business. Lois works with professional speakers to help them book more business, make more money, and avoid costly mistakes. As a speech coach and through FrippVT, I help professional speakers become consistently excellent in both content and delivery. We recently teamed up for Increase the Speed With Which You […]


As a speech coach, I work with professional speakers to help them develop more powerful and persuasive presentations, my friend and colleague, Lois Creamer works with professional speakers to help them book more business, make more money, and avoid costly mistakes. Lois and I joined forces for our virtual event, How to Book More Business […]


If you are looking for the number one best way to make an impact with your speech –  the answer is simple. Customize! Be aware of your audience’s needs and concerns as you develop every aspect of your speech. Here is an overview of top techniques to customize your presentations. These techniques are used by […]