Show you are “one of the group” by referring to something that is happening right now. One opening to help you immediately connect is to walk out and start with, “I love your theme!” Then tell them why. Or, “This is the perfect time of the year for this meeting.” Naturally, this must segway into […]


In-Between Time by Craig Valentine In-between time is what I refer to as the time between your major points. Of course you need to use this time to transition into the next story or example, but how you use this time can make the difference between a dry speech and an exciting one. One effective […]


This is a great technique to be understood. If your goal is to sound clear, concise, and credible this advice is invaluable. Nothing can turn your audience or prospect off faster… … than using fat words when they’re hungry for skinny ones. Or vice versa. I learned this exciting concept… … from Dr. David Palmer, […]


Whenever you open your mouth, whether you're talking to one person or a thousand, you usually want to get a specific message across. How do you do that best when you are communicating through a webinar? What's different when the lecture is in the virtual world? How do you catch and keep your audience? Here […]


“Speak to be remembered and repeated.” Isn’t that the goal of every communicator – to be remembered and repeated? This is a key idea I reinforce at every Fripp Speaking School. Actually, this is a key idea every time I have the opportunity to discuss speaking and presentation skills. Yes, it’s easier said than done. […]


There are many life lessons we can learn from movie stars and Hollywood. Be willing to pay your dues. My friend Scott McKain used to review films for WISH-TV in Indianapolis where he lives. He insists that one of the nicest guys in Hollywood is John Travolta. Two decades ago, Travolta seemed to be a […]


There are many life lessons we can learn from movie stars and Hollywood. Set your own values. When I was 23, I became one of the first women in the new industry of men’s hairstyling. My boss, Jay Sebring, was the hairstylist to the stars. I would pick up the phone and find Steve McQueen […]


A short simple story heard while jogging with my friend Bobby Lewis decades ago influences my actions every day. Ralph Waldo Emerson is well known for a phrase very similar to this “What you are speaks so loudly I cannot hear what you say.”  Great advice for leaders and parents. Honesty, Ethics, Parenting If you […]