Legendary Hollywood producer Sam Goldwyn said, “If I want to send a message, I’ll use a telegram.” Yet, all great films – and good speeches – have a message. Some recent movies go on and on with explosions and car chases. They’re exciting, but at the end, the audience is often left with a big, […]


One of my really good pals, a great high energy professional speaker and fellow members of Speakers Roundtable, got so excited in a presentation that he lost his voice. He found this solution and said it worked! Thanks so much Adam Drake for sharing this information. I recommend you take Adam’s tips to protect your […]


One of my roles as an executive speech coach is helping my clients sound original, fresh and thoughtful. Phrases and words that are redundant and overused should be banished; whether you’re writing or speaking, these will weaken your message and cause your audience to tune out. Ragan Communications featured this article by Marc Ensign.  Marc […]


Whenever you open your mouth – whether your audience is one person or a thousand – you usually want to get a message across. Maybe you want your opinions heard at meetings, or you’re giving a formal presentation. Possibly, you’re even in a position to advise your sales team or CEO on an important presentation. […]


Ragan Communications is a great source of information for communicators. They hold various conferences including the Ragan Speechwriters Conference that I have been honored to keynote. The more you study writing and public speaking the more you realize there is to learn. This list is challenging me and certainly teaches me new information. Hope you enjoy!


Frequently I am asked if executives should dumb down their communications. No, not necessarily. The Patricia Fripp suggestion is to speak conversationally. If you would use that word or phrase at the dinner table, or in your boardroom include it in your speech or conversation. However, you must also consider whether you sound original and […]


As an executive speech coach I am sometimes asked, “How do I handle distractions?” Ringing cell phones and computer crashes can challenge anyone delivering a presentation. My friend Rob Sherman wrote this helpful article. How to Deal with Distractions by Rob Sherman Presentation distractions are inevitable. You can’t avoid them. These unplanned events that divert […]


Here is your public speaking lesson for the day… Edit your speech to a nub. Edit out the words that have no meaning. For example, if you say, “Each and every one of you in this room…” you are using nine words when you should just use one. Just say, “You.”


Hope you enjoy this great information from my friend, Patricia Fry… By Patricia Fry When you go out and speak to a group or conduct a workshop, you want to make a connection with your audience. It’s equally important to the success of your presentation that they connect with one another, especially in a more […]