You have thirty seconds to command the attention of your audience. Don’t waste it! Jim Rohn, the incredible motivational speaker, and I were on a program in Australia together. He said, “An impressive introduction may leave your audience thinking, ‘So what?’ You want them to think ‘Me too!’” You’re helping them to tie into your […]
Read More...Want to Captivate an Audience – Expert Advice
Every speaker wants to captivate their various audiences. If that is your goal, find and perfect your own stories. Stories create an emotional bond with your audience. We all know stories make a speech, sales presentation, or staff training more interesting. Some of the best stories for your presentations are those you select from your […]
Read More...Open Your Speech by Relating to The Immediate Situation
Show you are “one of the group” by referring to something that is happening right now. One opening to help you immediately connect is to walk out and start with, “I love your theme!” Then tell them why. Or, “This is the perfect time of the year for this meeting.” Naturally, this must segway into […]
Read More...In-Between Time
In-Between Time by Craig Valentine In-between time is what I refer to as the time between your major points. Of course you need to use this time to transition into the next story or example, but how you use this time can make the difference between a dry speech and an exciting one. One effective […]
Read More...Want Your Audiences to Remember What You Say? The Importance of Clear Structure
Your message, no matter how important, will not be remembered if you don’t recognize the importance of structure. Here are some practical ideas that can immediately make you more effective. Your Structure Can you write the premise or objective of your talk in one sentence? If not, the chances are that your thinking isn’t clear […]
Read More...It is Not Your Clients’ Job to Know How They Can Hire You Again
My best client is Dan Maddux, the Executive Director of the American Payroll Association. He is a popular speaker himself on marketing and frequently invited to speak at the National Speakers Association. He often tells keynote speakers, “It is your responsibility to let me know how I could hire you again. I don’t read your […]
Read More...Public Speaking Tip for Great Presentation Skills:Open Hot, Close Hotter
Open Hot, Close Hotter As an executive speech coach and public speaking trainer for executives and professional motivational speakers, here is some of the advice I give. To grab audience attention and be remembered and repeated, start the presentation with a bang, not a limp, “Thanks, it’s nice to be here.” The first […]
Read More...Speak to Be Remembered and Repeated
“Speak to be remembered and repeated.” Isn’t that the goal of every communicator – to be remembered and repeated? This is a key idea I reinforce at every Fripp Speaking School. Actually, this is a key idea every time I have the opportunity to discuss speaking and presentation skills. Yes, it’s easier said than done. […]
Read More...Build Emotional Connection Through Eye Contact
Lady and the Champs Speaking Conference in February has early sign up until January 31, 2011. You can hear and learn from Patricia Fripp, Darren LaCroix, Ed Tate, Mark Brown & Craig Valentine.
Read More...Life Lessons From the Movie Stars and Hollywood- #3
There are many life lessons we can learn from movie stars and Hollywood. Be willing to pay your dues. My friend Scott McKain used to review films for WISH-TV in Indianapolis where he lives. He insists that one of the nicest guys in Hollywood is John Travolta. Two decades ago, Travolta seemed to be a […]