My brother Robert Fripp played guitar on David Bowie’s Heroes. When my brother and I delivered our presentation, How to Be a Hero for More than One Day, I asked him, “How can we become heroes?” He replies, “By performing acts of quality.” The next logical question is, “Why is an act of quality important?”


It never ceases to amaze me that intelligent, well-educated, and ambitious professionals frequently overlook developing the number-one skill guaranteed to position them ahead of the crowd: the ability to stand up and speak eloquently in public, or at least stagger to their feet and say anything at all. What terrifies so many about public speaking? […]


How often have you wondered where the magic begins in crafting a presentation that captivates, informs, and inspires? Consider yourself the chemist concocting a potion that will enchant your audience. Let’s dive into the three essential ingredients that transform your presentation from ordinary to extraordinary. The Content: Your Main Ingredient Think of your content as […]


It’s a common misconception that only novice public speakers feel nervous before high-stakes presentations. However, even seasoned speakers experience jitters and anxiety before taking the stage. The adrenaline rush can be overwhelming, and it’s important to remember that nerves are a sign of caring deeply about the message you want to convey. So, embrace your […]


Remember how exciting it was when you first fell in love? Your heart somersaulted every time you met the one you loved. The two of you sat up talking all night and never ran out of something to say. You always seemed to have so much energy. The thrill of falling in love is wonderful. […]


What Is in Your Closet? Earlier in my speaking career when I was often hired to speak at Spouse Programs at conventions, my speech was called, “Clean Out the Closets of Your Life.” The premise was, we can relate to cleaning out the garage and attic. How about the people, habits, and thoughts that could […]