A third-party endorsement is alchemy of sorts, taking hours of conversation and interaction and condensing it into a couple of sentences. You cannot and must not lie when sharing third-party endorsement client stories, but you can condense a conversation. You can even dramatize an endorsement story as long as it is authentic and emotionally true. […]


Successful sales conversations are always focused on your potential client’s problem, goal, or challenge – NOT on your product or the service you provide.  Never presume you can meet a prospect’s needs before you have invited them to tell you what their needs actually are. My friend, sales expert and sales coach, Scott Plum shares […]


I recently heard from my friend Carol Andrew, a fellow Dorset girl – from the same small region of England as I am!  Not only do we both live in the United States now, but we are also both National Speakers Association members, both speakers, and both speech coaches. Unlike me, Carol studied at London’s […]


If your goal is to become a professional speaker here is my advice as a  past president of the National Speakers Association. Many of the best strategies to build your speaking business are the same you would use to establish any new business. My overnight success took many years of gradual, constant growth. I worked […]


Does your business headshot do you justice? My friend, corporate communications expert, Rob Biesenbach was there. Rob is both an actor and a professional speaker and combines these disciplines to help executives communicate more persuasively and successfully. Like actors and professional speakers, business professionals must have a business headshot. Is your headshot up-to-date? Or are […]


I was recently featured in an article called, “How to Give a Killer Webinar: Tips from the Pros,” by Michael Ventimiglia, who asked a dozen marketing, presentation, and webinar experts, “What are your best tips for giving a webinar?”  I share a few of the very useful strategies Michael gathered from the pros: Before Your […]


Successful sales presentations are always you-focused. For example, let’s take this sample opening – a sales manager pitching an association to host their annual conference at his hotel – and break it down. “In the next eight minutes, you will decide the best choice you can make for your association and your members is to […]


As an executive speech coach, I recommend that when preparing your presentation, you record yourself and then listen carefully to identify and eliminate all unnecessary words and phrases.  Cut out anything that will dilute your message, including your personal verbal “tics,” clichés, and filler words. Business communications expert, Ben Decker of Decker Communications reminds us […]


Even highly experienced speakers must rehearse for a presentation. Do not confuse rehearsal with memorization.  You should not memorize your entire presentation, but rather your opening, key points, and conclusion. Then, rehearse enough so you can “forget it.” This allows you to retain your spontaneity and deliver your presentation with the authenticity that makes a […]