For most people, even with natural talent, there is no such thing as overnight success. More often, success is a result of something my brother, Robert Fripp calls “discipline.”  In case you didn’t know, Robert is a legendary guitarist who is included on Rolling Stone magazine’s list of “100 Greatest Guitarists” of all time – […]


My friend Joanne Black, a leading authority on referral selling, says, “Just because clients are willing to refer you doesn’t mean they will.” Join us, Wednesday, September 9, 2015, 12:00 noon PST, for a complimentary interactive virtual training to show you how to “Pack Your Pipeline with Hot Prospects.” Register and receive a replay link, even […]


This last week, I had a wonderful time at the Toastmasters International Convention in Las Vegas, where I delivered the opening keynote to a truly international audience. (Just in case you don’t already know, Toastmasters International is a non-profit educational organization teaching public speaking and leadership skills through a worldwide network.) One of the many […]


Are your presentations persuasive? Powerful? Subtle differences in language can make an enormous difference. Maybe you’ve already edited a script of your speech. This is a great first step, but I recommend you also record yourself and listen carefully. Then, fine-tune your words and phrases to maximize your impact. Consider both your word choices and […]


I am honored to speak this month at the 2015 Toastmasters International Convention in Las Vegas. The semifinalists in the 2015 Toastmasters World Championship of Public Speaking competition have just been announced. Those who make it to this international speech competition have won competitions, beginning with club contests and continuing through area, division, and district […]


Does your organization encourage, or even better, provide training to equip your employees with competitive communication and leadership skills? Have you considered your own in-house Toastmasters club or perhaps Fripp Virtual Training? If you are reluctant to allocate employee time or company resources to presentation training because you worry  “they might leave,” consider what my […]


Delivering Your Speech Is More Than the Words You’re waiting your turn to deliver your presentation when suddenly you realize that your stomach is doing strange things and your mind is rapidly going blank. How do you conquer the jitters? People ask me this question all the time; there is no single answer. You must […]


My brother, Robert Fripp is known around the world as a legendary guitarist and a member of King Crimson, but not everyone knows he is in fact a superb and entertaining speaker!  I had the pleasure of presenting with him at the 2015 Lady & the Champs Speakers’ Conference. (Our presentations were recorded and are […]


Stand still at the start of your presentation. Your audience members need a moment to become accustomed to the sound of your voice, your style of speaking, and sometimes your accent. After this, incorporate movement into your presentation, only if your movements are purposeful and support your message. Unconscious expressions of nervous energy will detract […]


Most people are aware that a formal presentation requires research and rehearsal, but keep in mind that preparation can ensure your success in all speaking situations.  If you have been asked to moderate a panel, be aware that there is more to this than simply firing off a few questions and hoping your panelists will […]