Congratulations to Dananjaya Hettiarachchi, the 2014 Toastmasters World Champion of Public Speaking!  On August 23rd, Hettiarachchi, a human resource development (HRD) specialist from Colombo, Sri Lanka, won the world’s largest speech contest, the Toastmasters World Championship of Public Speaking, with a humorous speech titled, “I See Something.” Below is a clip from his speech. Along […]


Leadership traditionally comes from the top down, and paradoxically leadership is also necessary from the bottom up. My friend and fellow speaker, Lee B. Salz is a sales management strategist who very wisely recommends giving sales people the responsibility of creating their company’s sales business plan.  In taking on this responsibility, sales people become leaders […]


A successful presentation requires you to devote much more time to preparing your presentation than you will spend in delivering it. Even experienced speakers must prepare for a presentation; this includes rehearsal. My friend and colleague, Rob Biesenbach names inadequate rehearsal as one of the “11 Deadly Presentation Sins.” In his recent book with this […]


My friend Pat Ferdinandi is a video strategist who helps individuals and organizations demonstrate their value and establish client trust through video. More than one billion unique users visit YouTube each month. Whether your videos are posted to YouTube or created exclusively for is specific clients, video is one of the most effective ways you […]


Discover the strategies behind effective sales presentations, as I share the Inside Secrets of Powerful Persuasive Sales Presentations. Presentation skills are critical, because being perceived as a dynamic, inspiring, and persuasive communicator is no longer just a nice skill to have. It is a necessity that can mean the difference between business and career life […]


Are you practicing to improve? Or are you inadvertently reinforcing bad habits? Sure, the old adage says that practice makes perfect. But in fact, practice makes permanent. Practice can help you become a better speaker, but it can also make you more comfortable with your public speaking mistakes –  unconscious language or gestures that detract […]


Before I became a professional keynote speaker, before I had the honor of serving as the first female president of the NSA (National Speakers Association), and long before I became an in-demand speech coach… I joined Toastmasters. Toastmasters International is a non-profit educational organization that teaches public speaking and leadership skills through a worldwide network. […]


A third-party endorsement is alchemy of sorts, taking hours of conversation and interaction and condensing it into a couple of sentences. You cannot and must not lie when sharing third-party endorsement client stories, but you can condense a conversation. You can even dramatize an endorsement story as long as it is authentic and emotionally true. […]