When you know you’ll you have a few minutes to present to a true decision maker, what do you say? Don’t panic. This is a great opportunity. Be prepared and get to the point. Remember, with a senior-level executive you must be clear, concise, credible, and able to articulate your bottom line. Always start with structure. […]
Read More...The Research on Why Limited Options Can Actually Boost Sales
You’ve probably heard, “A confused mind always says, ‘No.’” Well, it’s true. In my work with sales professionals, I remind them that unnecessary industry jargon can overwhelm prospects. David Hoffeld, author of The Science of Selling would add that too many options can also overwhelm. David was my guest at a recent FrippVT Sales Series web […]
Read More...Your Team… How Strong Are Their Sales Skills, Really?
I teamed up with leading sales strategist, Jim Pancero for an event on advanced sales skills. We discussed how individual selling style and philosophy can dramatically impact a sales professional’s success and how to gain an advantage. In this article, Jim shows us that you cannot assume that an experienced sales professional is a competent […]
Read More...Fair, Unfair, Good or Bad? How Do Buyers Know?
Science reveals that buyers make decisions based on strategic, incremental commitments. How can sales professionals sell in a way that inspires these commitments? David Hoffeld, author of The Science of Selling, was recently my guest on FrippVT Sales Series. Enjoy this excerpt from David’s book, explaining a mental shortcut the brain makes when forming judgments and […]
Read More...8 Ways You Can Make Your Presentation A Success
5. Audio visual: If you are using a PowerPoint presentation make sure the equipment is working well. Are your PowerPoint slides in the right sequence? Do you have a remote control to change them? This way you can move around and are not chained to your computer. Remember to turn the slide to black when you are not addressing what is on the screen. Is each slide visible from the back of the room or auditorium? Are the talking points presented as a “build” or “reveal?” Remember, your visuals aids are a tool, not a crutch. They are there to support you.
6. Connect with the organizer or emcee: Be clear about who will introduce you, and where you will be during their comments. Will you walk on from the wings or up from the floor? Will you shake hands with him or her, or will they exit once you hit the stage and before the applause dies down. I recommend you nod and mouth “Thank you.” If you are speaking at a banquet, check that you will have a clear path to the microphone without tripping over wires, chairs, or diners.
7. Pre-written introduction: In advance, send your pre-written introduction to the person delivering it. Carry another two with you. Have it written in an 18-point, bulleted list. This is easier to read than paragraphs. Be sure your introducer knows how to pronounce your name correctly. It is a good idea to confirm they have the introduction and are comfortable with what is written. Make sure your introducer knows the introduction is prepared in a certain way to set the tone for your presentation.
8. Be your own warm up act: Connect with as many audience members as possible before you speak. When they see you are extending yourself they will return the favor of giving their attention. That only lasts a few minutes so make sure you grab their attention with a great opening.
9. Learn from the experience: Always follow any presentation with an After Action Analysis. Start with asking yourself what you did well. Next, what could be improved? Always record your presentation and listen to what you said. There are three speeches for every one you deliver. The one you planned to give, the speech you actually delivered, and the improved next presentation based on what you did right, would like to do better, and what can be added from what you learned from the experience.
Read More...Make More Sales with the Science of Selling
Single-Option Aversion by David Hoffeld Does the number of product options presented impact whether or not a purchase will be made? This was the question that behavioral scientist Daniel Mochon sought to answer. His research, which was published in the Journal of Consumer Research, determined that the number of product options did heavily influence buying […]
Read More...How to Get Referrals & Increase Your Sales Results
How To Increase Your Sales Results Patricia Fripp in Conversation with Tom Redmond In our constant search for the easy way to sell (There is no easy way but we continue to look!), one consistent factor is that the most successful sales organizations are aware of their numbers and make course corrections by them. Organizational […]
Read More...Public Speaking – Make Sure Your Movement Supports Your Message
Some presenters like to move, while others stand still. At the beginning of any presentation you should stand still. Your audience members are getting used to you, how you sound, how you speak – how fast, your cadence, or your accent. As you continue your presentation, make sure your movement supports your message. Avoid unconscious […]
Read More...Lost Your Focus? An Expert Helps You Meet Your Sales Goals
Tom Redmond is the author of Selling From the Inside Out and a go-to expert on the generation of and management of sales. We recently teamed up to bring you, Selling From the Inside Out: Advanced Sales Overview, part of the FrippVT Sales Series. Watch a replay of our web event and enjoy this great […]
Read More...Want to Be An Effective Speaker? Say No More . . . Pause!
Second, a pause provides dramatic interest for your audience. Of course, if you’re really nervous you have your own drama taking place, whether your audience knows it or not. But, a moment unspoken provides the silent drumroll to announce your next important point.
Third, a pause helps your audience to follow you better—they become better listeners. And, as they become more attentive, you relax and so do they. Your audience does not want to be nervous on your behalf.
I recently delivered a workshop at the American Payroll Association’s Annual Congress (May 2011) titled, “Effective Business Communications: On Paper, Online, and On Your Feet.” While at the conference, I also enjoyed a presentation called “Advanced Career-Building Speaking Skills”conducted by professional presentation skills trainer and speech coach, Patricia Fripp. Fripp’s delivery and timing served as an excellent model. She made exceptional use of the pause. As an energetic presenter it helped to slow her down, and the audience could absorb what she was saying. In effect, it’s a “listening cue,” providing you, the audience, a signal to take note of what’s about to be said.
To demonstrate the power of the pause, Fripp asked one of the audience members to come forward. Within five minutes, the volunteer had added pauses between the three major points and just before the conclusion of the persuasive argument she was preparing for senior management. The presentation did something else to improve her delivery: Fripp counseled her to make eye contact with a different member of the audience—near, middle, and far—to accompany each of the pauses. The results were dramatic.
According to Fripp, “Few sales presentations have enough pauses. Good music and good communication both contain changes of pace, pauses, and full rests. This is when listeners think about important points you’ve just made. If you rush on at full speed to crowd in as much information as possible, chances are you’ve left your prospects back at the station. Give them enough time to ask a question or even time to think over what has been said. Pauses allow pondering and understanding.”
To help prepare for your public speaking opportunity, you can write a narrative to help you rehearse. It helps to identify the places in your presentation where a pause will come naturally, just as you might accent a word or phrase for other additional emphasis.