Ambitious professionals like you must sound intelligent, powerful, polished, articulate, and confident during business presentations, interactions with senior management, and networking in your professional community. Consider these focused strategies: How to Sound Intelligent Pace Your Speech: Speak more slowly to allow yourself time to select the most appropriate vocabulary. This pacing gives the impression of […]


What makes a Hollywood movie great? Exactly the same principles that will make a good keynote speech great. A great story with a message. Screenwriter Robert McKee says, “Stories are the creative conversion of life itself into a more powerful, clearer, more meaningful experience.” We all love stories because when told well,  have larger-than-life characters, […]


This is a great technique to be understood. If your goal is to sound clear, concise, and credible, this advice is invaluable. Nothing can turn your audience off faster than using fat words when they’re hungry for skinny ones. Or vice versa. I learned this exciting concept from Dr. David Palmer, who was a Silicon […]


“A strong presentation structure gives you the freedom to be creative.” Patricia Fripp This is how you organize your presentation with a logical flow. (Part one) It will be easy for both you and your audience to remember with minimal or no notes. The more you work on clarifying your content, organizing your structure, then […]


It is not your client’s job to remember you. It is your responsibility to make sure you are unforgettable. Here is a great action step to take. Call your five best clients, those whom you currently use as references. Even if you leave a voicemail, say “Bob, I never get tired of telling the story […]


Learn These 8 Steps to Outstanding Sales Structure The structure of your sales presentation is the skeleton under the flesh of your words. These eight simple, powerful steps to your sales presentation increase your chance to make the sale. Even if you have made a compelling presentation, it often takes weeks or months before you […]


When you improve your storytelling ability your presentations can be powerful and persuasive. When we think of Hollywood… what we usually remember most vividly are the moving, dramatic, and funny stories that movies tell. Screenwriter Robert McKee says, “Stories are the creative conversion of life itself into a more powerful, clearer, more meaningful experience. They […]


Your virtual presentations can be as effective as in-person presentations – even better! Virtual presentations can have a lasting impact. When you make your message memorable, your communication clear, and your presentation powerful, you position yourself for success. Can Virtual Presentations Really Be as Effective as In-Person? As THE presentation skills expert, I’m suggesting that […]


A sales manager’s shocking secret and four sales secrets to help you sell more… I Did Not Expect to Hear This! Imagine my surprise when the national sales manager said this to 60 of his top associates, “At lunch, the sales team and I decided we have no idea how we managed to sell anything […]