Do you know how to grab your audience? The first thirty seconds of your presentation are critical, like the first page of a book or first seconds of a TV show or film. If you don’t make an impact and hint at more to come, you lose your audience. Good movies, TV shows, and books, […]


What is your story? What makes a great book, play, or movie? Exactly the same thing that makes a good speech – a great story! Long after we’ve forgotten the specific details, we still remember the stories and the messages that touched us. They become part of our lives and our culture. Use stories to […]


What would it mean to you if you could Amplify Your Coaching Business? If every time you presented to a client you were powerfully persuasive, clearly concise, and capable of inspiring your clients to take action? What would it mean to your business if you could land multiple clients from a single presentation? The more […]


Would it shock you to know that most professionals waste valuable time organizing their presentations? If you begin your process by opening your last PowerPoint presentation you may be guilty of falling into the trap of believing that is your presentation. Don’t get me wrong, I love PowerPoint. I often say, “Use more slides with […]


If you want to improve your presentations learn your options for openings. No matter what your subject, audience makeup, or length of presentation what good presentations have in common is they get off to a good start. The first 30 seconds of your presentation are very important, as your goal is to engage the audience. […]


Even highly intelligent, well-educated, and ambitious executives can find themselves at a loss when called on to deliver a powerful presentation. The good news is, even if you’re not a born speaker, you can learn how to inspire action and commitment. I share the ROCK Star Principles one shy engineer used – and you can […]


Do your slides support your message? Or do they distract your audience? Presenters cannot overlook the quality and design of their slides. Find out how my friend and fellow presentation skills expert, Darren LaCroix improved his presentations by improving his slides: Defend It Or Die! by Darren LaCroix, CSP When you see a courtroom drama […]


Sometimes the ideal opening line is already right in front of you. Pay attention to your conversations. Great content, including the perfect phrase to open your presentation, can pop up in the middle of a conversation. I spend a lot of time with my professional speaker friends and often in the middle of a conversation […]


In an era of tough competition, presentations that persuade, educate, motivate, and inspire give you a competitive edge. Good presentation skills are no longer simply nice to have; they can mean career life or death. Imagine yourself in the front row of a ballroom at the Bellagio Hotel in Las Vegas. Sitting with you are […]


Ambitious individuals realize that powerful and persuasive business communication skills are critical to success. Ever-evolving technology and shrinking travel budgets make face-to-face meetings increasingly rare. Our latest communications challenge is to deliver effective business presentations remotely.