When you have to give a speech or presentation, how do you decide what to wear? Maybe you haven’t considered how your appearance can influence your audience’s response to you? In this short video, I share a few tips, for both men and women, on how to dress in a manner that will support your […]


In an era of tough competition, presentations that persuade, educate, motivate, and inspire give you a competitive edge. Good presentation skills are no longer simply nice to have; they can mean career life or death. Imagine yourself in the front row of a ballroom at the Bellagio Hotel in Las Vegas. Sitting with you are […]


When you know you’ll you have a few minutes to present to a true decision maker, what do you say? Don’t panic. This is a great opportunity. Be prepared and get to the point. Remember, with a senior-level executive you must be clear, concise, credible, and able to articulate your bottom line. Always start with structure. […]


Ambitious individuals realize that powerful and persuasive business communication skills are critical to success. Ever-evolving technology and shrinking travel budgets make face-to-face meetings increasingly rare. Our latest communications challenge is to deliver effective business presentations remotely. 


Even if you’ve delivered a compelling sales presentation, it often takes weeks or months before you get an answer. Consequently, your goal is to burn vivid examples and key ideas into your prospect’s mind, especially if it is a competitive bid. Yet, what is the average sales presentation structure?


Being a competent, confident communicator is key to career success. Unfortunately, many begin their careers without adequate communication skills, even the college educated. Do you have the training, practice, and tools you need to communicate and lead effectively? As an in-demand speech coach and the creator of FrippVT, I know that even if you aren’t […]


“Why are executive presentations so boring?” Unfortunately, I hear this question often. Corporate leaders rarely receive the honest feedback they need to become powerful and persuasive communicators. Public speaking is the number one tool of leadership. Good presentation skills are no longer a nice skill to have; they can mean the difference between career life […]