Persuasive Writing Sells Your Speech

One of my health and wellness experts is delivering a speech in January and asked my opinion about her copy. I have XXXed out her name.

Hope this is helpful for you selling your sessions.

Recharging for the New Year: Tips for Staying on top of Your Game

HER COPY What is Recharging? Recharging means: Replenishing the amount of electric power in something, especially a battery. If feeling tired has become your personal norm (no matter how many cups of coffee you have) you are not alone. Research shows that stress can cause fatigue along with poor performance, absenteeism and chronic diseases. <

What would it mean to your life and career if you possessed the secret of recharging your internal batteries?
What if vibrant health was your normal state of being?
What if employee poor performance and absenteeism was minimal or non existant?

Impossible you say…
Not if you learn what MXXXX CXXX’s personal research has proved through years of working with front line associates and high level executives.

 Next Patricia Fripp speaking conference is Lady and the Champs, February 26-27  in Las Vegas at Bally’s.