Mastering the Art of Presentation Skills

My friend and colleague Sims Wyeth, author of The Essentials of Persuasive Public Speaking, told me that while giving a presentation, he saw two people whose mouths did weird things while they listened.

One pushed her lips over to one side of her face. She looked like a Picasso painting. Sims wondered what she was thinking.

The other pulled a corner of his mouth back toward his ear. Sims said he looked like he was clucking in disapproval, like a mother hen.

A neutral-to-open face, eyes focused on the speaker, eye-brows slightly raised in an expression of interest, mouth in a tiny smile, head nodding, and the voice indicating attention would be more encouraging of a healthy dialogue.

When you are mastering the art of presentation skills, even as a listener and audience member you are being noticed. Imagine you are at a company meeting and you are pulling the faces Sims mentions. What does the speaker…who may be one of your executives… think of you?

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– Bill Fleischhauer, Professional Speaker and Coach

Executive Speech Coach and Hall of Fame Keynote Speaker Patricia Fripp works with individuals and companies who realize that powerful, persuasive presentation skills give them a competitive edge.