Increase your sales with your own clients! Listen in on a lunch conversation with Patricia Fripp and her expert lunch date.
Jonathan Stone, President of Another Dancing Bear Productions, is one of those unique entrepreneurs that even thinking about him makes you smile. In the good old days when clients came to your office he and Mojdeh Stone had according to the bike messengers “the coolest office in San Francisco.” On the wall there was a bear crashing through the brick wall!
Advertising specialties have always been one of the best investments to keep your name in front of your clients and prospects.
Naturally, these day most of their business is done on the phone and internet. However, Jonathan is one of those individuals who will not accept an order for “1000 mugs with our company logo on.” He actually takes the time to ask “Why? What is your goal? What are you trying to achieve? Would you be open for suggestions on how to maximize your impact and budget?”
A couple of weeks ago we had lunch and when other entrepreneurs are struggling Jonathan is smiling! Yes his IS a happy guy. However, his business is great. One of his simple ideas you could use is this…
He said “Fripp, of course we have our items on the website. However for my very best regular clients I always send the printed glossy catalogues. Last year I sent out two to each client and orders increased at a surprising rate! The catalogues are now on two people’s desks in each client. Convenience and visibility in their office helps increase sales.”
This proves what I always say in my keynote speeches “How to Get, Keep and Deserve Your Customers” you always have to resell your clients. They are your best source of more business and quality referrals.
Thanks for your advice Jonathan. He has a great idea for this year…however, we can’t give you all his ideas <G>
Link here to hear me talking about him.

Another Dancing Bear Production jingle
In 1988 Jonathan and Mojdeh Stone established Another Dancing Bear
Productions in San Francisco, California. ADBP is a national recognized
leader in the promotional products industry and is a founding member of
the Premier Group, the largest promotional buying cooperative in their