When you fire up your presentations, you can get others to buy into your ideas and get better results. Every ambitious professional, professional speaker, entrepreneur, leader, and sales executive can get promoted, build their business, inspire action, and drive more sales with Patricia Fripp’s presentation strategies. Enjoy presentation skills expert Patricia Fripp’s live web training […]


How do you stay relevant in your industry? At Influence 2019, the National Speaker Association Convention, I was asked to deliver a presentation on “How to Become and Remain a World-Class Speaker.” I knew I needed to consider the following issues: One, what would a client consider as world-class? Two, how do you perfect your […]


Stories are the best way to inspire and motivate. I was coaching an executive with the Gap. He needed to inspire action and commitment. I first asked him to tell me about himself. He said,“I’m a newly promoted vice president and this is my first speech to the company since my promotion.”


Good to Great Presentations Virtual Keynote Speech Patricia Fripp Under the Magnifying Glass: Good to Great Presentations Virtual Keynote Speech Delivered by Hall of Fame keynote speaker and presentation skills expert Patricia Fripp. This was delivered at District 1 Toastmasters Spring Conference 2020. The keynote content covered in this presentation is on how to connect […]


How to Make a Good Presentation Great with Good Examples Patricia Fripp’s “Under the Influence” Virtual Keynote Speech Presented to the District 1 Toastmasters Virtual Spring Conference 2020 Patricia Fripp posed the question “Who influences you?” The title came from her friend Peter Legge’s latest book. Over her keynote career, she has spoken over 3,500 […]


“We Are Here to Talk About Heroes” I was coaching a gentleman who needed to inspire action and commitment. Ed worked with The Gap, and I said, “Okay, Ed, tell me about yourself.” He said, “I am a newly promoted vice president of a certain division, and this is my first speech to the company […]


Practice Makes Perfect – Or Does it? I’m a believer in learning through repetition and reinforcement. However, as we practice and rehearse our presentations we need to ask ourselves, “Am I practicing to improve or to reinforce bad habits?” The reality is that we are doing both. You’re familiar with the expression, “Practice makes perfect.” […]


Stand still at the start of your presentation. Your audience members need a moment to become accustomed to the sound of your voice, your style of speaking, and sometimes your accent. After this, incorporate movement into your presentation, only if your movements are purposeful and support your message. Learn how to make your movements match […]


With current technology, you might not be surprised at how often I’m asked, “How do you use video in your business?” As often and in as many ways as possible! We have a green screen, professional lighting, and great recording equipment, and my assistant has become highly proficient at adding backgrounds, images, and branding. This […]