I help high-tech companies with product launches and customer user conferences to highlight the value of their technology. It is a privilege to assist brilliant technical presenters in better understanding how to talk like real people speaking to real people. Their presentations need to simplify the complexity of technology without ever using the words basic […]


Watch your use of “Basically” and “Simply” Many of my clients offer complex solutions to solve their customers’ problems, streamline their businesses, and protect their valuable assets. They engage me to help their technology experts simplify the complexity of their offerings so that their buyers will understand why it is a good investment. I tell […]


When I sit down with my clients to discuss their sales presentations, I often ask, “How long is your presentation?” t used to shock me when they replied, “Twelve slides.” When I inquired, “How do you design your sales presentation?” it was dreadful to hear, “We get the slide deck.” When you begin the process […]


My friend and collaborator in The Odd Couple seminars, Alan Weiss, PhD told this story in one of his thoughtful weekly messages: “There’s a small tailor shop run by one tailor on Main Street who has been there for forty years. The place is a mess. Everywhere you look there are threads, samples, and tools. […]


In the competitive world of business, earning the right to win new clients is a crucial skill, especially for those early in their careers. Whether you’re a financial planner, a salesperson, or an entrepreneur, the challenge remains the same: How do you earn the trust and business of potential clients? Let’s delve into some proven […]


You have 30 seconds to command the attention of your audience. Don’t waste it! Certain speech openings captivate, mystify, and create an emotional bond that keeps an audience in the palm of the speaker’s hand. What would you give to learn those essential opening moves? Those great ways to bond instantly with an audience so […]


Have you noticed, some of your prospective clients act as if they have attended a seminar on How to Resist a Good Sales Presentation? Even the most hardened prospect can’t resist a good story when it is well told. Keep in mind, when you tell stories of satisfied clients in the same situation they are […]


My speech coaching clients frequently hear me say, “Are you going to do it, or kind of do it? Remember, you do not kind of or sort of do anything.” Even seasoned executives who should know better, use these weak words and phrases. Often, I believe they are attempting to sound humble. However, it only […]