If you want to come to a Patricia Fripp Speaking School the next event is the Lady and The Champs Speaking Conference.

There is nothing that will help you have greater success in business more than developing good communication skills.


One of my favorite newsletters if from John Kinde in his Humor Power
His celebrity Humor quote is…

“If we do everything right, if we do it with absolute certainty,
there’s still a 30% chance we’re going to get it wrong.”

Joe Biden


“What is the difference between a good Toastmaster and a professional speaker?”

My answer:
Always remember in the “professional” world you get paid for what you know. You get paid well when you deliver your message superbly. There is no substitute for years of experience. With great professional speakers and trainers they make standing on stage speaking look easy. As Darren LaCroix says “Stage time, stage time.” I would add “stage time” and reflection with good feedback from someone who knows more than you do. One of the biggest leaps forward for me was when I realized “I am receiving my keynote fee and have 6 people in my audience.” These were sales professionals from a client company who wanted to learn what I knew. Professional speakers are “Experts Who Speak” as the National Speakers Association will tell you. It does not matter the size of the audience. It is the quality of the information…well told…and making it look easy.
By the way, you can check out World Champions Edge for $1 for a month. That includes all the benefits including listening to my Celebrity Series.
The Lady and the Champs Speaking Conference is February, 26-27 in Las Vegas at Bally’s.


7 Questions to Ask Yourself

Who nominated you?

Who invited you to join this group or encouraged you to get involved in this project or event?

What is your connection to this group?

How do you feel about the people and the organization’s goals?

Why are they giving you this award?

When was the first time you attended a meeting and what were your experiences?

Have you seen someone else accept this same award?

The audience will not remember all the details of what you say, but they will remember the stories you tell. Include a memorable vignette or incident, something entertaining or touching about your connection.

Honor the Audience