Most speakers if they know their subject are not bad once they get going. However very few know how to get off to a really good start.  My recommendation is that you script your opening. However, do not write in paragraphs. Write it as phrases down the page not across. As my early mentor Bill […]


In February World Champions Edge (my public speaking coaching community) held our convention Lady and the Champs. Five keynote speeches and fifteen breakout sessions delivered by four World Champion speakers and yours truly Patricia Fripp. By Saturday April 20 you can invest in the downloads for $147. You owe it to yourself to at least click the link!


Speech is the way a small business builds its brand, establishes expertise, gets free publicity and gets in front of its market.

R. W. Armstrong & Associates, a civil engineering project management company in Indianapolis, first hired a speaker trainer Patricia Fripp to help prepare it for a pitch worth millions of dollars. The company went in as the underdog but clinched the deal after working on timing, learning how to use descriptive words, introduce co-workers and present itself with poise and cohesion, said Donna Gadient, director for human resources. She said the company paid about $8,000 to $10,000 for a day of training for 25 people and that the guidance continues to help employees speak on their feet.


Patricia Fripp & Darren LaCroix April 8-10 Vegas Speech Coaching Camp Maybe you won’t sell out Madison Square Garden in 22 minutes, but you can learn from Justin’s example. You can get more people to know you and your expertise and get invited to speak more often at higher fees. You may very well take away different messages and lessons from this movie than I did. I think it’s a pretty good movie with lessons for people who want to be better on the platform and/or build their speaking business


Action star everyman Harrison Ford was honored with the Hollywood Foreign Press Association’s Cecil B. DeMille Award, for “outstanding contribution to the entertainment field”-or more specifically, 35 movies over four decades, including Star Wars, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Witness, The Fugitive, and Patriot Games. He said,


Academy Awards Speeches Inspire If Good.

Most of course are not! However, if you have to give a speech this one may inspire you. I helped one of my clients prepare it. Look for good descriptive words, modesty, giving credit to those who came before.

The Boy Scouts Have It Right: Be Prepared