Accepting an award is like walking a tightrope. You need to be gracious, grateful, and humble, yet not so humble or self-deprecating that the audience thinks you are trivializing the honor. In general, Academy Award speeches are not the best examples of great acceptance speeches. There are, however, many unforgettable moments. A few of my […]


As we stride into 2024, it’s crucial to recognize the impact of recency bias – the tendency to overemphasize recent experiences or the latest information when forecasting future events. This bias can skew our expectations, leading us to believe that the near past is a mirror of what’s to come. However, there’s an alternative viewpoint […]


When you count your riches, do you do it in money or memories? For me, memories win out every time. At this point, most of my friends and I enjoy experiences together instead of exchanging gifts. Many years ago, on my first and only trip to speak at a series of events in South Africa, […]


Twelve Years Later: Reliving the Unforgettable Presentation Experience In 2011, Salve Finance from Slovakia invited Darren LaCroix and me to deliver a presentation skills program in Las Vegas. The audience was their sales winners. Our challenge was… nobody spoke English. As their president, Peter explained, “Our generation grew up speaking Russian. We did not learn […]


My friend and collaborator in The Odd Couple seminars, Alan Weiss, PhD told this story in one of his thoughtful weekly messages: “There’s a small tailor shop run by one tailor on Main Street who has been there for forty years. The place is a mess. Everywhere you look there are threads, samples, and tools. […]


Every story has a “Once Upon a Time.”  Part Two. The place where the intricate weave of values, experiences, and influences begins to shape the fabric of our lives. When I was twelve, I knew I was more artistic than academic and enjoyed engaging with, and learning from, adults. It seemed a good idea to […]


Every story has a “Once Upon a Time.” The place where the intricate weave of values, experiences, and influences begins to shape the fabric of our lives. As a speech coach, I guide my clients to revisit their own “Once Upon a Time,” unraveling the threads of their past to better understand the tapestry of […]


When we reminisce about Hollywood, it’s often the stories that movies tell that captivate us the most. Screenwriting teacher Robert McKee eloquently states, “Stories are the creative conversion of life itself into a more powerful, clearer, more meaningful experience. They are the currency of human contact.” Storytelling: The Cornerstone of Effective Leadership Many of us […]


To win your audience’s heart and mind, it’s essential to forge an emotional bond right from the beginning of your presentation. However, what does that really mean, and how do you execute it effectively? Case Study: Changing the Point of View During one of my training sessions, Stephen, who has lived with deafness since birth, […]


 That Leads to Contacts and Contracts Let’s talk about one of my favorite subjects: making an unforgettable impression in business. You know, the kind of impression that not only lands the deal it also solidifies your reputation as someone people simply must do business with. A Tip of the Hat to Business Success I’m sure […]