By Pam Lontos Social Media Marketing (called SMM) is certainly the newest buzz in the PR and marketing realm. And as with any new publicity tool, people have lots of questions on how to best utilize it.


By Pam Lontos As a business owner, you already know the importance of utilizing traditional PR – print, radio and TV exposure – to keep your name circulating in the marketplace. Now, however, there’s a new PR outlet you need to become familiar with. It’s called Social Media Marketing, and when combined with your traditional […]


By Pam Lontos As a speaker, you’ve probably heard media exposure can greatly help your business, especially during tough economic times when marketing budgets are low and competition is high. The truth is, learning to leverage the power of the media can help you stand out from the competition without expending your resources. If you […]


By Pam Lontos As a speaker, you probably know how important publicity is to the success of your business. But the truth is, many speakers, high-level executives and even marketing and public relations managers (and maybe you’re one of them) make crucial mistakes when dealing with the media – and then they end up on […]


By Pam Lontos The key to a better publicity campaign is more articles, more quotes, and more interviews. For maximum effectiveness, you need to get yourself into as many publications and on as many shows as possible. But every show and every publication is different. So how can one person with one keynote attract the […]


The Fifteen Most Common Publicity Mistakes Businesses Make By Patricia Fripp’s PR agent Pam Lontos As a business owner, you probably know that publicity is important to your success. But many businesses (and maybe you’re one of them) make crucial mistakes in their publicity campaigns. While some of the mistakes are more detrimental than others, […]


How to Get Your Op-Ed Published By Pam Lontos While there are many ways to appear in the media, writing an op-ed piece is an excellent way to make yourself known and establish yourself as an authority with the public. Like letters to the editor, op-ed pieces should put forth a point of view – […]