Does your business headshot do you justice? My friend, corporate communications expert, Rob Biesenbach was there. Rob is both an actor and a professional speaker and combines these disciplines to help executives communicate more persuasively and successfully. Like actors and professional speakers, business professionals must have a business headshot. Is your headshot up-to-date? Or are […]


Opportunity does not knock once, it knocks all the time. The trick is, we don’t always recognize the sound. The key to becoming more successful is to find opportunity in everyday life – not just wait for that life-altering, retire-in-the-Caribbean bolt from the blue. Here’s how to start: Each day this month, you’re going to […]


My friend and colleague, Laura Stack’s newest book, Execution IS the Strategy was released today. Laura has been working with leaders in the areas of strategy execution, employee productivity, and team performance for 22 yeas; she is a true expert in her field. In Execution IS the Strategy, Laura explains that a leader’s biggest challenge […]


“Hello” can lead to a conversation. A conversation can lead to a relationship. A relationship can lead to profitable business. My friend and colleague, Susan RoAne is an expert in turning small talk into big business.  Her book, How to Work a Room, is a bestseller. In a recent television interview, Susan explained that success […]


It is mind-boggling how many highly-intelligent, well-educated, and ambitious executives spend years finding creative ways to get OUT of public speaking of any kind. Some even panic when these opportunities arise. My friend and colleague, Sims Wyeth very wisely reminds us not to waste these opportunities. Public Speaking Is The Glue by Sims Wyeth Public speaking […]


The key to connection is conversation, and the secret to successful conversations is asking good questions. My brother (the legendary guitarist, Robert Fripp) has often said to me, “Sister, you ask people such personal questions!” Though this is true, nobody has ever said to me, “That’s none of your damn business.” People love talking about […]


It is my mission to clean up sloppy language. I share this from my friend Craig Harrison. Stop Slingin’ Slang! By Craig Harrison Despite attention to memorable press kits, meticulous grooming, and marvelous websites – speakers, trainers, and consultants often undermine their hireability through sloppy language and inappropriate word choices. Similarly, employees hurt their chances […]


One of my roles as an executive speech coach is helping my clients sound original, fresh and thoughtful. Phrases and words that are redundant and overused should be banished; whether you’re writing or speaking, these will weaken your message and cause your audience to tune out. Ragan Communications featured this article by Marc Ensign.  Marc […]


As an executive speech coach I’ve had corporate speakers bring me sheets of statistics and say, “Here’s what I want to talk about.” “Why should your audience care about all this?,” I ask. “Where is the excitement? Where is the story?” Then we set about turning the numbing data into stimulating descriptions of what it […]


Even as an expert in business communications I constantly learn from my friends and mentors in the National Speakers Association. Don and Kathleen Thoren write, speak and coaching on Life Enriching Tips. Enjoy…. WHAT DO I SAY NOW?! Has someone said something and you weren’t sure what to say back??? Seconds tick by and your mind […]