That Is Correct! There are no boring subjects, only boring speakers. Your content or topic doesn’t matter—when presented well, it can become interesting, educational, and emotionally engaging. Some believe that public speaking is just about knowing your subject. Having something to say is not enough to make your message come alive. After all, knowing the […]


On most Sundays, you will find me sipping coffee and watching my favorite news shows. I enjoy listening to intelligent and educated experts share their perspectives on the state of the world. As an executive speech coach, I find these programs an endless source of inspiration—and, occasionally, frustration. One recurring irritant? The phrase I hear […]


Recently, at the Professional Speechwriters World Conference, I had the pleasure of attending a half-day seminar delivered by Terry Szuplat, author of Say It Well: Find Your Voice, Speak Your Mind, Inspire Any Audience. As a speechwriter for President Obama, Terry brought a wealth of experience and an insider’s perspective that was both fascinating and inspiring. […]


Want to Drive More Sales? Nobody Can Resist a Good Story Well Told Please do not overlook one of the most powerful tools in sales—storytelling. If you’re in sales, you might have noticed that it often feels like our prospects are trained to resist our presentations. I promise you that a well-told story can break […]


The famous 7-38-55 Rule from Albert Mehrabian’s research is often misquoted, especially when people try to apply it to public speaking or keynote addresses. Let’s set the record straight. What the 7-38-55 Rule Really Means Mehrabian’s research, from which the 7-38-55 Rule is derived, was actually about a particular kind of communication: situations where a […]


Have you often noticed how the most profound lessons usually come from the most straightforward everyday experiences? You might hear a funny or profound speaker seemingly talking about mundane situations, and you think, “Nothing like that ever happens to me.” Of course, it does, or you wouldn’t relate to it. That speaker has attributes meaning […]