After my LinkedIn posts about my Frippicisms™, Rich Ermlick wrote “You have more Zingers than Zig Ziglar.” This brought back two wonderful memories I have not thought about in years. In the early stages of my speaking career, I attended one of Zig’s Richer Life courses in Dallas. At that time, my reputation as a […]


My brother Robert Fripp played on David Bowie’s Heroes. One of the lines is “We can be heroes, just for one day.” However, there are those in our midst who are heroes every day, for decades. If you were to ask my brother, “How do we become a hero?” Robert would tell you, “By performing […]


The Unmatched Buzz of Being “Fripp the Sister” Imagine the electrifying atmosphere of a concert, the anticipation in the air, fans buzzing with excitement. There I am, not on the stage, yet at the heart of it all—the merchandise table. Yes, you heard it right. While my career as a presentation skills expert is both […]


When you have regular access to thought-provoking speakers, in the same meeting with interesting audience members, your life will be greatly improved. We are all familiar with the expression, “If you want something done, give it to a busy person!” Which leads to a new non-paying, volunteer position. I accepted the position of president for […]


For sixteen years, the brilliant speaker, author, and consultant Alan Weiss, PhD and I delivered seminars together called The Odd Couple. One technique I learned from Alan, and have continued to use, is the practice of asking, “And your question is?” How often, in the Q&A portion of a presentation, have you felt like pulling […]


Academy Award speeches are not the best examples of great acceptance speeches. There are, however, many unforgettable moments. Here you will find my second list of favorite Oscar segments. We will look to see why. Oscar examples that make the speech bigger than the recipient. Meryl Streep, Best Actress, The Iron Lady, said, “This is […]


Accepting an award is like walking a tightrope. You need to be gracious, grateful, and humble, yet not so humble or self-deprecating that the audience thinks you are trivializing the honor. In general, Academy Award speeches are not the best examples of great acceptance speeches. There are, however, many unforgettable moments. A few of my […]


Imagine the impact if your team’s sales presentations are not just good… they were magnetic. This is not a far-fetched dream; it’s a very achievable reality. The Challenge: A Common Hurdle in Sales Not long ago, a prospect called and said, “Help! My team’s presentations are terrible. We do not consistently tell the same story, […]


As a presentation skills expert, I’m often asked, “Where do I find good stories and examples for my presentations?” The answer lies in our everyday experiences. Here are a couple from my own journey, focusing on the important role of customer service. Consider this: every interaction your organization has with customers either strengthens or weakens […]