Ragan Communications is a great source of information for communicators. They hold various conferences including the Ragan Speechwriters Conference that I have been honored to keynote. The more you study writing and public speaking the more you realize there is to learn. This list is challenging me and certainly teaches me new information. Hope you enjoy!


As an executive speech coach and frequent presenter on “How to Go From Good to Great to Awesome” I was interested and amused by this article from Ragan.com. Ragan first came to my attention when they booked me to speak at the Ragan Speechwriters Conference. Their newsletters are always amazing.


Blogging is a great way to serve your professional community and expand your marketing reach. Thank you for reading mine! For the years, I’ve had the honor of keynoting the Ragan Speechwriters Conference several times. I met amazing people who write for history – presidents and corporate leaders. Since then, when a Ragan Communications notice appears […]


Previously, we discussed the components of speech preparation and delivery that will make your presentation shine when you are addressing your association audiences. However, the speech only becomes truly vibrant when you tie all of the pieces together and package them into a compelling presentation. Remember humor helps freshen content, movement keeps the audiences’ eyes […]


One of the best ways to promote your product or service and expand your customer base is also one of the cheapest. Interested? It’s public speaking. I know this from first hand experience. When I started out, I had no public speaking experience, but I studied what the professional speakers did. What I learned from […]


Whether you’re writing or speaking, clichés will weaken your message and cause your audience to tune out. Here are Fripp’s Four Foolproof Tips for making your point: You MUST use original material. The audience will forgive you ANYTHING but being boring. If someone else has already said it, say it in a completely different way. […]


Congratulations! You’ve been chosen (or drafted) to deliver a speech. Don’t panic — Fripp is here! What Do I Talk About? Start by asking yourself three questions: Who is my audience? (What do I know about the corporate culture or collective personality of the group?) What do they want or need to know from me? […]