Every story has a “Once Upon a Time.” The place where the intricate weave of values, experiences, and influences begins to shape the fabric of our lives. As a speech coach, I guide my clients to revisit their own “Once Upon a Time”, unraveling the threads of their past to better understand the tapestry of […]


Is breakfast the breakfast of champions? That depends.   Who is delivering the feedback? Are they qualified to give it? What is requested or unsolicited? Many years ago, I accepted an invitation to speak at my local Toastmasters Spring Conference. They considered me a local celebrity, I had already been elected the first woman President […]


Let’s look at some not-so-basic story basics. Stories and examples are best when they come from your experience. Your audience has a chance to relive them from their perspective. Here is an important point to make your stories credible. Point one, make your story part of your own experience. If you tell a story that […]


Tips on How to Give an Acceptance Speech Accepting an award is like walking a tightrope. You need to be gracious, grateful, and humble, yet not so humble or self-deprecating that the audience thinks you are trivializing the honor. In May of 2022, Dan Maddux, my best long-time client and Executive Director of the American […]


Give a Speech! Frippicism: People do business with people they know. Every service club and community group is looking for a free speaker next Thursday at lunchtime. Okay, it could be Wednesday morning at breakfast or even in Zoom. You get the point! If that is you, do not overlook a magnificent marketing opportunity.


When you open your presentation, you have just thirty seconds to command your audience’s attention. Don’t waste your opening words. Prepare a winning opening and give it extra attention as you rehearse your presentation. A relevant and compelling quote is one way to open a presentation and engage your audience. General Eisenhower said, “Leadership is […]


There is nothing more exciting for an executive speech coach than to help craft the words of a well-intentioned leader who has an exciting message to deliver and is committed to the collaborative process. Finding Opportunity in Adversity – A Timely Message Delivered by Tabassum Zalotrawala, Chief Development Officer, Chipotle Finding Opportunity in Adversity Growing […]


Every presentation you deliver needs to be built around your premise, central theme, or big idea. Your next step is to organize your “chunks” of content in a way that they are easy for you and your audience can remember your message. The first chunking example: Explanation, Example, Application Once you introduce your point of […]


Being known as a great presenter gets the results you want. Higher speaking fees, more career advancement, a cost-effective way to market your business and expertise, increased sales more often, and the opportunity to accomplish your goals faster. You’re invited to Patricia Fripp’s Powerful, Persuasive Presentations Masterclass This intimate, hands-on, roll-up-your-sleeves virtual training will take […]


It never ceases to amaze me that intelligent, well-educated, ambitious professionals frequently overlook developing the number one skill that is guaranteed to position them ahead of the crowd. That skill is the ability to stand up and speak eloquently in public or at least stagger to their feet and say anything at all. What is […]