One of the benefits of membership in World Champion’s Edge the public speaking community founded by Darren LaCroix, 2001 Toastmasters International World Champion of Public Speaking…is the Edge Forum where the members ask questions of each other, and the faculty, I am the World Champion’s Plus One as I do not share their title!


Here are some of the photos. If I ask nicely maybe he will let me use a few for my eBook!
On thing you have to admit…Patricia Fripp has a rock star brother Robert Fripp, a rock star sister-in-law Toay Willcox, friends like Bill who incorporate rock stars and helps executives become rock star business presenters. What a fun life!


5. We bring our characters to life through some of the verbs we use.
Fred casually sauntered into the boss’s office VS Fred rushed breathless into the boss’s office. Please note I am taking a lesson from the brilliant Mark Brown who taught us in a recent EDGE lesson about the importance of adjectives and adverbs.


Public Speaking: Nervousness is good!
If you’re nervous when you get up to speak, good! It’s the price you pay for being a race horse instead of a cow. As long as you’ve done your homework, nervousness gives you nothing to worry about and much to be grateful for. When you rehearse and you prepare, nerves are evidence that you care. They give you energy to spare, and help you fill the air with your passion and your flair.


My definition of Observational Humor does not exclude recycling previously used Observational Humor lines. Nor does it mean you can’t use old jokes that are adapted to the present moment. What makes Observational Humor special that it is inspired in the moment, not pre-meditated…although some pre-planned humor can certainly create the illusion of spontaneity. Our goal is to become more skilled at in-the-moment humor and not solely relying on prepared lines. Although a good monologue may contain some of both elements.


After Dinner Speech: Advice from THE Executive Speech Coach East Coast Associate Sims Wyeth that you can pass along. The after dinner speech is a formal speech with one big difference: it should revolve around a humorous illustrative story. A word of caution: establish a serious theme at the outset then illustrate it with a whimsical story. […]


Fees remain a topic of unending interest according to my mail, so here is a compilation of tips and ideas. Any two or three that you can use will probably increase your profits immediately.
1.Establish value collaboratively with the client.
2.Base fees on value, not on task.
3.Never use time as the basis of your value.
4.Don’t stop with what the client wants. Find out what the client needs.
5.Think of the fourth sale first. Fees are cumulative, not situational.


8.Stop work if you’re not paid on time. “Deal-seekers” are famous for delaying payments to squeeze out extra work. If you’re not paid in advance, and a payment date has passed, allow ten day and then stop working. Otherwise, you’ll be in permanent debt to the company store.
Patricia Fripp & Alan Weiss and the rave reviews.