Four Techniques for Better Storytelling By Patricia Fripp, CSP, CPAE, Executive speech coach, Keynote speaker Everybody loves a good story. No matter what our culture, we grow up feeling that hearing a story is somehow a reward. Stories are how we learn values and our family’s legacy. When we’re in school, stories make history come […]


Good Story, Committed Speaker, Great Speech Coach  By Patricia Fripp When I first met John Nichols at my speaking school he was so much fun to have in the audience. He was so obviously thinking about how to apply the techniques to his presentations. He has a heck of a life story…he legally died…as well […]


Develop Your Storytelling Abilities by Patricia Fripp, CSP, CPAE When we think of Hollywood, what we usually remember most are the moving, dramatic, and funny stories that movies tell. The screenwriter Robert McKee says, “Stories are the creative conversion of life itself into a more powerful, clearer, more meaningful experience. They are the currency of […]


A Great Acceptance Speech Example from Bruce Phipps, American Payroll Association 2011 Man of the Year. Every year I help the American Payroll Association’s Man and Woman of the Year prepare their speech to be delivered at the APA national convention called Congress. The Man and Woman of the Year deliver an eight-minute speech the […]


1. Be conversational. A good speech, especially for today’s audiences, needs to sound conversational. However, there is a difference between a conversation and a speech that sounds conversational. An actual conversation involves back and forth. In a conversational speech, you imagine a crisp, concise conversation with your audience, avoiding unusually long pauses, run-on thoughts, and […]


Improve Public Speaking with Three Techniques for Better Storytelling By Patricia Fripp, Presentation Skills Guru Everybody loves a good story. No matter what our culture, we grow up knowing that hearing a story is somehow a reward. Stories are how we learn values and our family’s legacy. When we go to school, we discover that […]


Whenever you open your mouth, whether your audience is ten people or a thousand, you naturally want to get a specific message across. Whenever you set out to present, persuade, and propel with the spoken word you want to keep the audience engaged…from the moment you walk on stage or to the front of the […]


If you want to be trusted it helps if you are a powefully persuasive. Patricia Fripp and Darren LaCroix can help you in our June Story and Structure Speaking School and Coaching Camp. June 15-17, 2012 in Las Vegas. When it comes to trust I am sure you will find Richard Edelman’s article as interesting […]


Andrew Sobel is a true expert on developing and sustaining long-term client relationships. He’s authored over eight acclaimed and bestselling books on the subject. Early in Andrew’s career, I was his speech coach. Now as a speaker, Andrew’s message is especially relevant to companies that need to standout in increasingly crowded markets: Ask, Don’t Tell: Using Power Questions to Deepen Your Relationships by Andrew Sobel Once […]


Ask, Don’t Tell: Using Power Questions to Build Peer RelationshipsBy Andrew Sobel, co-author of Power Questions: Build Relationships, Win New Business, and Influence Others Andrew was smart enough to hire me, Patricia Fripp, as his speech coach early in his career. Not sure if you hired me you would be as in demand as Andrew […]