Want to market yourself? By Patricia Fripp There is an old saying, “If you build a better mouse trap people will beat a path to your door.” That might have been true once but it is not true now. Having the best product or service does not automatically guarantee your success. That is because of […]


I never forgot being booked to speak for Microsoft at their Women’s Conference because the chairperson had read and loved an article I wrote about what to do when you’re not being appreciated. However, I wish I had found David Spark’s article to share. Enjoy and thanks David. 9 Surefire Ways to be Appreciated at […]


Confused about hyphens?  I would like to share this article from Ragan Communications on the correct use of hyphens. I have keynoted the Ragan Speechwriters Conference several times and sometimes I have just attended as a participant. All Ragan’s information is helpful, especially in regards to writing. As you strive for excellence in all areas […]


How to Get Your Message Across to Your Audience By Patricia Fripp Both business and professional speakers always need to ask themselves “How do I best connect with my audience?” “How do I get my message to stick?” “How can I get my audience to listen and engage?” My long time friend, early mentor, and […]


Blogging is a great way to serve your professional community and expand your marketing reach. Thank you for reading mine! For the years, I’ve had the honor of keynoting the Ragan Speechwriters Conference several times. I met amazing people who write for history – presidents and corporate leaders. Since then, when a Ragan Communications notice appears […]


What Do Your Awards from the National Speakers Association Mean? By Patricia Fripp  My executive speech coaching client and meeting planners often ask me “What do your credentials from the National Speakers Association mean?” In case you are interested here is the official answer as advertised by the NSA. As you know, certifications and professional credentials […]


Adult Learning for Presenters and Public Speakers by Patricia Fripp  Just back from a vacation in Paris. Now clearing the desk and getting ready for the National Speakers Association convention. As part of that preparation I am reading a great report Neuroscience shows that the average adult attention span is 10 minutes. Current 21st century […]