If you want your speech to resonate profoundly and earn enthusiastic applause, remember that success depends on what you say and how confidently and naturally you deliver your message. This means beginning your preparations earlier than you think necessary—the French call this “répétition,” emphasizing the importance of rehearsal. Master your material. Once you’ve crafted the […]


The famous 7-38-55 Rule from Albert Mehrabian’s research is often misquoted, especially when people try to apply it to public speaking or keynote addresses. Let’s set the record straight. What the 7-38-55 Rule Really Means Mehrabian’s research, from which the 7-38-55 Rule is derived, was actually about a particular kind of communication: situations where a […]


Have you often noticed how the most profound lessons usually come from the most straightforward everyday experiences? You might hear a funny or profound speaker seemingly talking about mundane situations, and you think, “Nothing like that ever happens to me.” Of course, it does, or you wouldn’t relate to it. That speaker has attributes meaning […]


Alan Alda says, “The space between the lines makes a great performance.” Yes, you guessed it. That means you must never underestimate the power of the pause. This is true in acting, speaking, and music. My brother Robert Fripp, the legendary guitarist and one of Rolling Stone magazine’s “100 Greatest Guitarists,” explains, “The music is […]