Give a Speech! Frippicism: People do business with people they know. Every service club and community group is looking for a free speaker next Thursday at lunchtime. Okay, it could be Wednesday morning at breakfast or even in Zoom. You get the point! If that is you, do not overlook a magnificent marketing opportunity.


Last words linger. Star presenters know this well and use it to their advantage. Give your closing words extra consideration. Don’t close your presentation with, “We’re out of time,” even if you are. You waste your final opportunity to reinforce your core message. Don’t close on a Q & A, just in case you’re asked […]


True rock stars always end a concert on a high. Next, their fans spill from the crowded arena, still rocking out to an awesome replay in their heads. We can learn a lot about inspiring action and commitment from the world of rock music. When it comes to your presentation, always close on a high. […]