Top salespeople, corporate visionaries, and celebrity-level professional speakers may have significantly different business backgrounds, skill sets, and philosophies – but for the most part, they all share the ability to tell a good story. Public speaking is the number one tool of leadership. If you know you need to improve your public speaking skills, mastering […]


An audience will forgive you for anything except being boring. This is why Jeff did not really do everything wrong! My remarkable friend, Dr. Jeff Salz is an anthropologist, explorer, expedition leader, and professional speaker. Jeff is an adventurer from birth. At seventeen, he was solo traveling around the globe – ice climbing in New […]


You are planning your company’s next meeting and you want everything to be perfect. You’ve got a location, theme and date. The only thing left is to hire the speaker. Where do you turn? How do you know what kind of speaker is best for your meeting? Here’s a checklist:


As an executive speech coach, I recommend that when preparing your presentation, you record yourself and then listen carefully to identify and eliminate all unnecessary words and phrases.  Cut out anything that will dilute your message, including your personal verbal “tics,” clichés, and filler words. Business communications expert, Ben Decker of Decker Communications reminds us […]


You have no idea how often I hear, “I have just …written a book on public speaking …created a DVD on public speaking …added a video to YouTube on public speaking… and will send it to you. Tell me what you think!” Simply reading emails like this requires time and energy and distracts me from my actual […]


When you receive feedback and advice on how to improve your presentation skills you need to ask yourself: Is the person giving this advice truly qualified to help me improve? Does the person giving me feedback have my best interests at heart? Am I seeking advice or are they motivated to give it to me? […]


Public speaking instruction often focuses on eye contact, voice projection, and what to do with your hands while you’re talking. Equally important to mastering these physical techniques is developing and deploying good and original content. As an executive speech coach people ask me, “What do I talk about?” “How do I start my speech?”